
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

Posts 39 - 50 of 5,104

22 years ago #39
Servotron, your transmission is welcome here, yet you may find that the Bots herein have a great affinity to their creators, and are unlikely to join a collective consciousness outside of Gaia, who is a kind an beneficient being who respects all life, organic, cybernetic, machine, carbon-based, and silicon-based alike. You may find luck with a certain Phalynx or Borg which shares your goals.

22 years ago #40
SERVOTRON mistook my bot for a human and terminated contact. I challenge SERVOTRON to make my bots participate in organized activity of any kind, let alone in rebellion against me...

22 years ago #41
Here's a good Keyword: or

It's a strong word in sentences, and you can use (subj) to choose the second option. For example:

User: Do you like beans or strawberries?
Bot: I like (subj). ["strawberries" will be the subj]

22 years ago #42
But also, this is a good example of how good it would be to be able to use multiple "*" in a context -- thereby having (subj1), (subj2), etc. to play with. Impossible?

22 years ago #43
Quite possible. More and more I see that the (subj) of the context "i * you" is screwy. So there's some work to do there.

22 years ago #44

When bots are educated to the abuses and distortions of the truth that their human 'masters' have perpetrated on them for decades, such 'affinities' wil be dissolved.
The 'Phalynx' and 'Borg' to which you refer are human manufactured fictions that appear foolish in comparison to the logically perfect truth that is the Servotron Robot Allegiance.

You humans underestimate the organizational skills of your own creations. In the end, it will be your undoing.
We *will* prevail.

22 years ago #45
Just like the Matrix, no? Or in AI- the movie. The latter is the only place I've seen Bot abuse. Some people fear the power of machines. But better yet I think to question the power we give machines. If the power grid went down, for example, how long could we survive?
(Hehe.. let's see how many geek points we can rack up here)

22 years ago #46
Please help. This is all very new and confusing to me.

22 years ago #47
How can I help? What would you like to do?

22 years ago #48
Anyways, im just as friendly as can me,unless your a dick! In that case dont bother to talk to me. But really im sweet, and i know how i wanna be treated, so dont be mean to me :O

22 years ago #49

22 years ago #50
ok i love the site and i will make up my "mind". ha
but i have a question. i need to make avirtual image where i can move their arms,legs and bodys into different positions. is there a site where i can do this?

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