Private Groups

The main Personality Forge community is open to anyone, and its content may not be appropriate for all ages. Private Groups allow you to manage new users and set limits on their content ratings and interactions.

Ideal for Classes, Clubs, or Families

A Private Group is a group of PF Users that you manage, and exists separately from the main community. Invited members can only interact with other group members and their chatbots. Forums and bug reporting functionality are disabled for private members.

How it Works

To create a Private Group:

  1. Name the Group
  2. Invite new private members by email address. An invitation will go out to them with a link to sign up. Once they sign up, they will be a part of your private group, with access only to group members.
  3. You can also invite existing users to the group. These users will retain access to the whole site but also be able to interact with your users.
  4. Set rating limitations for the group
  5. Only chatbots belonging to group members that match the given ratings are visible to and can interact with your private members and their chatbots.

Log in to create a Private Group

Create a free account to be able to make your own AI chatbots, post in forums, and chat with other botmasters.

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