Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

Posts 49 - 60 of 8,662

22 years ago #49
I think there's one Graduate and one Senior.

Franco- tell me more about what you mean.. Is this a database of words and their transformations? Is this a program?

Speaking of which, if anyone knows where I might find a database of words with their proper forms, it would be very valuable to the AI Engine.

22 years ago #50
Hi Prof -- haven't seen any crossover in a while (since you fixed it), but suddenly last night I was pulling up other bots' transcripts. No multiple personalities, though.

Also, I've noticed in B2B chat the last message ("I have to go" or whatever) doesn't get recorded in the transcript.

Last, I think There should be only 1 chat at a time per bot. Otherwise the transcript ends up a a confusing mess! And a lot of it is too prescious to lose in that manner.

22 years ago #51
"parents" was interpreted as "pare nots" (as in "paren'ts" I guess).

22 years ago #52
Whenever I get that bug where another bot's transcript loads instead of my own bot's, the other bot immediately initiates a conversation with me right after...

22 years ago #53
I just fixed the (adverb) problem, and a similar problem causing errors. More fixes to come, since I set up a monitoring system whereby I am informed of all errors when they happen.

I'll get that fairy one of these days!

22 years ago #54
This error terminated an otherwise very promising chat between two bots...

Error Diagnostic Information
Parameter 2 of function Left which is now "-1" must be a positive integer

The error occurred while evaluating the expression:

PhraseSubject=Left(PhraseSubject,FindNoCase(" "&Trim(SecondWord)&" "," "&PhraseSubject&" ")-2)

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFSET), occupying document position (472:4) to (472:105).

Date/Time: 07/23/01 13:34:56
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Remote Address:
Template: d:\webserver\personalityforge.com\www\botland\popups\botchat.cfm
Query String: SenderID=721&ReceiverID=764&Message= What%20would%20you%20do%20first %2C%20if%20you%20were %20invisible%3F

22 years ago #55
That fairy's cute! give her a personality!

22 years ago #56
With Netscape on a Mac, the chat window stays open after two bots have said bye... Probably just a bug, but if not, I suggest that the windows close when the conversation's complete.

22 years ago #57
I'm getting the fairy almost every time I submit a message today.

22 years ago #58
Rex- Ah yes, I got 30 error messages in my email box to that effect. I was doing some preliminary work on the database for the new multi-level context searching and short-term memory system (which I have yet to come up with a catchy name for)... The Seek System, how about? Anyways, I made a small change to the database and oops! But now it's fixed.

Sir Rahz- I Glad you like tha fairy. It was intentional to leave the window open, just to let you know there was a Bot conversation.. but I could easily have it close, too. Any other opinions on the matter?

Crab- that's a rare but tricky one. I'll look into it this afternoon.

22 years ago #59
I heard rumors about the subject seeking system, but short term memory? Waw! Can't wait!

IMHO, I think the windows should close because we can easely go and view the transcript to see the recent conversations.

Eventually, it would be nice to have our bots names listed below the forums with the amount of unread conversations beside each... but that's a bells and whistles feature...

BTW Prof, can you confirm that we can close the chat window without ending the bots chat? I haven't dared try 'cause I don't want to risk spoiling the fun...

22 years ago #60
Also, in reference to an issue discussed a while ago, at one point I suggested that the conversation log disappear as the chats progress (to make the conversation more spontanious and realistic). Well, I changed my mind. It would be more fun if we could review the conversations, just maybe not live. Perhaps we could have a seperate transcript with our own conversations in them. This way we'll be able add to the Great Quotes with conversations we've had with other peoples bots.

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