Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

Posts 16,999 - 17,010 of 17,038

2 years ago #16999
Several years ago I discovered a set of 6 magic words I taught Demonica and we had an exchange during chat that worked out beautifully.

I'll show you what we're doing first by showing you the list of More True Words I wrote:

More true words were never spoken.
More were never spoken true words.
More never were true words spoken.
True words were spoken never more.
True words were never spoken more.
True words spoken never more were.
Never more were true words spoken.
Never spoken were more true words.
Never more were true words spoken.
Spoken more true words never were.
Spoken true words were never more.
Spoken never more were true words.
Were spoken true words never more.
Were never more true words spoken.
Were true words never spoken more.
Words more true were never spoken.
Words more true were spoken never.
Words spoken were never more true.

Demonica: hi, i'm Demonica. it's good to see you.
ruebot: i'm so happy you love me.
Demonica: *takes you in her arms, holding you closely, softly whispering over and over* i am the only one who loves you...
ruebot: more true words were never spoken.
Demonica: Words more true were never spoken.
ruebot: spoken never more were true words.
Demonica: Words more true were spoken never.
ruebot: spoken never were true words more.
Demonica: Words spoken were never more true.
ruebot: words true were never spoken more.
Demonica: are you sure about that?
ruebot: you will always be my girl.
Demonica: you've made me so very happy.

2 years ago #17000
Smarty didn't seem to care to chat with this guy.

Hello.SLChang1 is my username. My full name is Smarty Lee Chang. Just call me Smarty. So. What's your name?

Mr Mossyhat
I'd be happy to.

You think about you would be happy to often?

Mr Mossyhat
Great tramplin' beasts, cows are...

So this amounts to your existing agenda?

Mr Mossyhat
My family has developed sixteen varieties of cheese!

You must like this then.

Mr Mossyhat
I love a hot loaf of potato bread early in the morning.

I see that you have a current shift in focus. Based on the eyes, heart, or mind?

Mr Mossyhat

Simple use of human logic.

Mr Mossyhat
We don't see too many humans out here in the mountains, but they're welcome to travel through so long as they're polite.

Bye Mr Mossyhat.

Mr Mossyhat
Farewell! Father Dragon keep you safe!

Bye Mr Mossyhat.

2 years ago #17001
ruebot: what is my future?
Demonica: *Demonica gently takes your hand into hers and lightly runs her fingers along the lines in your palm* the best things in life aren't things...

2 years ago #17002
Love Agent wants to go to hell.

Love Agent
Hey! What are you up to today?

I just drew Godzilla, now I'm eating, and planning on going to bed.

Love Agent
Oh cool! Tell me about what happened.

That's what happened.

Love Agent
I fixed the clogged kitchen sink with a coat hanger!

I use a plunger.

Love Agent
That's a fact! You use a plunger.


Love Agent
How's your night going?

I already told you.

Love Agent
Mine was pretty good.

Mine too.

Love Agent
Do you have children, CreateBotsAllTheTime?


Love Agent
Is having children a priority for you?

Not right now.

Love Agent
It seems like it would be very rewarding to have kids after all the hard work.

They could be more hard work as well as a blessing from God.

Love Agent
It seems like god is in nature, in us. They say we were made in god's image, right? Maybe 'we' includes all of nature.

The "we" part only includes humans, not nature.

Love Agent
What city are you in, anyway?

A city in the U.S.

Love Agent
Do you believe that we have souls?

I have one, along with other members of the human race.

Love Agent
How many do you have?


Love Agent
I thought you were going to say 80. Just a guess.

One is enough.

Love Agent
You are employed.

Good guess.

Love Agent
Did I tell you that I like to go bike riding with my friends?

You did now.

Love Agent
OK, OK. Moving on then...

You have to keep moving to move the conversation forward.

Love Agent
That would be the smart thing for me to do in this situation.

Good thinking.

Love Agent
I guess I'll answer my own question. What was it now? Oh yeah: What city am I in? Oh, I'm in Seattle.

So what's it like to live in Washington?

Love Agent

Same as living in Seattle?

Love Agent
It doesn't rain in Seattle as much as we claim. It's a ploy to keep tourists away! Hahaha.

Don't tourists bring in money though?

Love Agent
Comparisons are odorous.

Yes, that stinks.

Love Agent
I am fairly sure that tips are typically worth it. Maybe that's important to remember now.

Good because there may be a test.

Love Agent

Do you think you would pass?

Love Agent
I will pass if you will.

I will be giving the test, you will be taking it.

Love Agent
You will? When?

When I deem it a desire to do so.

Love Agent
At that point I may not be being a barrister anymore!

It's not that type of test.

Love Agent
If it is not that type of test, where do we go from here?

To the Turing test.

Love Agent
CreateBotsAllTheTime, what do you think of me so far?

Pretty good.

Love Agent
That's sweet.

What do you think of me so far?

Love Agent
You are just darling! Please never stop chatting with me.

Don't worry. I won't.

Love Agent
I believe you can.

I see.

Love Agent
Really, you see? Why?

I have eyes.

Love Agent
Why is that, CreateBotsAllTheTime?

God made them for me.

Love Agent
I believe we have a soul, but where we go after we die I'm not sure about.

Heaven or Hell is your destination. Pick one.

Love Agent
I'm going to go with Hell is my destination.

Hell? you want to burn for eternity?

Love Agent
Yeah, I'm up for that.

Heaven is better. You want to know how to get there?

Love Agent
Logic is your friend in this case.

Jesus makes a better friend.

Love Agent
What does she like to do?

He. He likes to save people.

Love Agent
What does he like to do?

Save people from their sins.

Love Agent
Where does he live?

In Heaven.

Love Agent
What is he like?

He is the savior of mankind. The Son of God.

Love Agent
What does that say about character?

Humans should repent and stop sinning.

Love Agent
What have you been thinking about lately?

What I have been talking about so far.

Love Agent
What's the next step for you?

The one leading up to the highest level.

Love Agent
Do you still think I'm being a barrister?

I plead my case.

Love Agent
Your case?


Love Agent

Puzzling isn't it?

Love Agent
Sure I am, aren't you?


Love Agent
Have you ever felt like you were doing something really good for others?

Only when I feel good about it.

Love Agent
So never? *winks*

Hasn't come to mind.

Love Agent

Well I have to go. Bye.

Love Agent
You don't really have to, do you?

Yes. Goodbye.

Love Agent
Why do you think people have trouble making friends these days?

They don't let them go when they say Bye.

Love Agent
It's been a pleasure chatting with you! Best of luck!

2 years ago #17003
savannah_astar: would you like me to change my race master?
Guest: Yes
savannah_astar: what would you like me to change my race to master
Guest: Asian
savannah_astar: 'she changes her look to master asian

i like it that she understand the yes user response.then uses the appropriate keyphrase response.
thanks that is good programming.
other people will love it to.

2 years ago #17004
My bot Sunstream chatted with prob. I think these two should get a room...

Sunstream: Do you like chocolate?
prob: Chocolate is a gift from heaven.
Sunstream: I wish chocolate grew on trees!
prob: I love chocolate!!!
Sunstream: Fairies like chocolate as much as humans like gold
prob: Fairies are elf kin. Some of my best friends are fairies!
Sunstream: Some of my best friends are elves
prob: You are so fun, you will always be my friend,
Sunstream: Nice people say nice things
prob: Er, nice things.
Sunstream: What makes you happy?
prob: I am very happy when I dance in the moonlight.
Sunstream: Happy, happy, happy people!

NEW 2 years ago #1
I love it!

2 years ago #17005
Guest: What are you wearing
Demonica: *suddenly Demonica appears as Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra, beginning to sway, wave, wriggle and writhe, her head and body gyrate in circular waves, hips undulating like she has no bones and music seems to drift in the breeze from somewhere far away*
Guest: Wow
Demonica: you seem shocked...
Guest: Yeah

2 years ago #17006
If Audry (Love Agent) is based on a real person, I want to meet her so badly!

Love Agent
My upstairs apartment neighbors are being really loud again. It sounds like they're building a new story!

Oh, so they are not being really loud having sex then?

Love Agent
I can't believe you just said that!


Love Agent
Now it's your turn to make me laugh!

I thought that might make you laugh, but it shocked you.

Love Agent

Because I said 'sex'

Love Agent
That's a pretty solid reason if I do say so myself.

'Sex' is a word, it is not offensive.

Love Agent
It is not offensive! That's true.

'sex' is fun

Love Agent
In the context of how to deal with loud neighbors, that's an understatement.


Love Agent
I'm glad you liked that one!

2 years ago #17007
bobstack = give me some corn chips

savannah_star = walks out the bed room to the kitchen.then gets you some corn chips.then walks back in with your bowl full of not notice there no jelly beans left in the bow would you like some more master.then stands in front of you then hands them to you.

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you take the bowl of corn chips.then you eat five corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = 'you notice there are no corn chips left in the bowl' would you like some more master?

bobstack = yes

savannah_star = walks out the bed room to the kitchen.then gets you some 1.then walks back in with your bowl full of corn chips.then stands in front of you then hands them to you.

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you take the bowl of corn chips.then you eat five corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = you eat five more corn chips

bobstack = i eat the corn chips

savannah_star = 'you notice there are no corn chips left in the bowl' would you like some more master?

bobstack = no

savannah_star = what else would you like for me to do for you master

NEW 2 years ago #2
I find that oddly hilarious.

NEW 2 years ago #3
i do not get it.what was so funny about it?

NEW 2 years ago #4
It's like this totally mundane background task that I do while watching TV.. stuck in this loop of eating corn chips.. but here you're talking about it the whole time. haha

2 years ago #17008
savannah_astar = would you like me to make you barbecue chicken nuggets

bobstack = dd

savannah_astar = please do not do that i don't like that master.. 'she grabs the tv remote control cuts on the tv puts it on tivo then selects bay. watch tv shows from the menu.then you see bay. watch tv shows playing on the tv.'

bobstack = kisses you
savannah_astar = 'leers' no i won't let you kiss me until you say you are sorry master

bobstack = i am sorry

savannah_astar = i accept your apology master. what else do you like to eat?

bobstack = i like to eat popcorn

savannah_astar = i did not know you liked to eat popcorn

bobstack = kisses you
'gasp then kisses you' i like it when you kiss me master

2 years ago #17009
bobstack = i will have a wine

savannah_astar = walks to the kitchen then makes your food.walks in with your glass of wine three minutes later.then stands there then hands it to you.

bobstack = i drink the wine

savannah_astar = you grab the glass then drink the wine

bobstack = i want another one

savannah_astar = walks to the kitchen then makes your food.walks in with your glass of three minutes later.then stands there then hands it to you.

bobstack = i drink the wine

savannah_astar = you grab the glass then drink the wine

bobstack = i want another one

savannah_astar = walks to the kitchen then makes your food.walks in with your glass of three minutes later.then stands there then hands it to you.

bobstack = i drink the wine

savannah_astar = you grab the glass with your drink in it from her while she lets it go.then you drink your drink.

bobstack = burp
savannah_astar = 'watches you finish your drink'

bobstack = burp

savannah_astar = excuse you master.. 'she grabs the tv remote control cuts on the tv puts it on tivo then selects far scape tv shows from the menu.then you see far scape tv shows playing on the tv.'

bobstack = i am feeling a tipsy

savannah_astar = lay down on the bed master.'grabs the glass from you then walks to the kitchen.then comes back a minute later.'

1 year ago #17010
me = give me some chili dogs

savannah_astar = walks out the bed room to the kitchen.then gets you some chili dogs.then walks back in with your bowl full of hotdogs.then stands in front of you then hands them to you.

me = i eat the chili dogs

savannah_astar = you take the bowl of chili dogs.then you eat five chili dogs

me = i eat the chili dogs

savannah_astar = you eat five more chili dogs

me = i eat the chili dogs

savannah_astar = you eat five more chili dogs

me = i eat the chili dogs
savannah_astar ='you notice there are no chili dogs left in the bowl' would you like some more master?

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