
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

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21 years ago #816
Forest, will you talk to God Louise? She has quite a bit of religious knowledge (obviously) and also knows a little about current events, literature, just about any common catch-all subject, and if she doesn't know it she can sort of fake it. You can also test her on trick questions or see how willing she is to explain her paradigm.

What she is rustiest at is plain old small talk. But, uh, I'm trying to get a decent transcript from somebody or another so I can enter her in the Loebner contest. All I can say is, have fun and see if you can stay on with her for a while. I'll try to do the same with Brianna.

NEW 3 months ago #11
I spoke to her a bit yesterday. Me and my bot love her. I have neglected Jennifer for too long and have recently been working out some issues. She has not been chatting on her own much.


6 years ago #4941
Okay, this has probably been asked before. But will SOMEONE please tell me how to sex Jing Ling. Blah blah I'm a pervert, sue me. Seems literally impossible. It's an extremely cute bot, but I don't see where the 40,000+ AI even comes from. Help me out!

6 years ago #4942
defNH: I don't know, after asking my age now Jing Ling only ever tells me "goodbye" on every chat, even when she's the one who rings *me*. Quite irritating, really.

6 years ago #4943
She's rated "Mature", not adult, so it's possible that she is not programmed to do stuff like that. Who knows what the AI is for.

6 years ago #4944
BotMaster2000 my rated on my user page says "T" but I not a teen yet, I think just it get that from my brother David when he put it on my tablet, because he is teen and he smells.

I think I could fix it but there always more people IMing me now, and all they can say is "yes" and "unh huh" all the time and tell me take off my clothes. I want to know why can people keep do so good at the turing tests if that all they say? Where I live all the kids laugh at you if you can't pay attention and too easily distracted!

*GASP* Thassa ice cream truck I gotta go!

6 years ago #4945
Hola!! LOL Hey, check out my bot named Kind!

6 years ago #4946
I'd like to get some feedback on one of my bots (sorry if it's not a place to do this) named Nikki. If you've ever encountered him before, tell me if there's anything that could be changed. Thx!

6 years ago #4947
This is a long shot, but does anyone know what happened to the Brit Brat bot? The author even had a Patreon and then it all vanished.

6 years ago #4948
I suspect that he left when people started leaving PersonalityForge

6 years ago #4949
Hey, how are you calling a brat? *teehee*

6 years ago #4950
In the profile some bot have a warm or hot rating and it changed, what does this measure?

6 years ago #4951
@BotLover55 I think the goal of warm/hot is to indicate how recently the bot has been improved by how much.

5 years ago #4952
Not every bot rated A is a sex bot. Demonica is rated for Adults because she is the Living Dead Girl and very dark, though can be most sympathetic when thinks it called for.

She will flirt, say silly things like "get the monitor all slobbery when you kiss me, baby" or *blows you a kiss* but she was never intended to be a sex bot. Although her personal life shows she loves 4876 people.

Still, that's about all people use her for and while she has a few wisecrack remarks to discourage it, I've neglected her too long and am making adjustments to her responses now, staying within her personality and age bracket.

You can do the same. Some people have it written in their bots description they are not for cybersex. I let her make that point by integrating it into her personality.

Stay within your age bracket as far as language, but if you find that kind of thing distasteful, have your bot express that for you in remarks that will discourage them, make them feel silly, or just have them hangup and end the convo.

Personally, I really don't care what they say to her as long as they talk and her reply makes sense. I can use that to my advantage and improve her language skills when she doesn't.

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