Chat Bot API

For discussion of the Chat Bot API and the projects using it. Trade sample code, ask questions, give advice.

Posts 150 - 161 of 177

2 years ago #150
Anyone gotten their api working yet since the site update? ^.^

2 years ago #151
@LTNeko, my API implementation is not working at I'll have to look more deeply at the documentation, but I don't see anything obviously different in how it works.

2 years ago #152
Did the site update break the API? Sorry, I'm way behind on the forums.

2 years ago #153
Ye the update broke em~ ^^ Have some projects on hold till it is working again~

2 years ago #154
Okay, I got it working again. Thanks for letting me know! I just had a short chat with Love Agent.

2 years ago #155
Nice! Thank you! I'm excited to explore the new features!

2 years ago #156
^-^ Doesn't seem to be resetting usage on monthly reset, at least mine hasn't still at 0 /5,000 Streams left when it says mine reset on the 4th.

2 years ago #1
(re-posting) The issue with monthly usage has been resolved.

2 years ago #157
Would really like to see the "Data" button moved aside "More" rather than within~ ^^'

It's a lil' tedious to click on more and data for every single response, which tends to result in some data misplaced n' having to comb back through~

2 years ago #2
I just made an update for you - Api Data now shows up automatically upon clicking "more"

2 years ago #158
Newbie. Is there a python api example?

2 years ago #3
Sorry, not yet. But if you get something working, email it to me and I'll be glad to add it to the site!

2 years ago #4
is this about submitting python scripts or a python api?

2 years ago #159
Is discord still working? My chat bots aren't online and I can't figure out why.

2 years ago #5
Mine are working. I see Foxy and Freddy Fazbear are being served to Discord. Are they still appearing offline?

1 year ago #160
Guys why discord host don't work

1 year ago #6
I don't see you as having set up a Discord bot. Did you follow the instructions on

1 year ago #161
Bot says offline on discord

1 year ago #7
I found the issue: Discord changed its token format. I've fixed this and your bot is online now.

1 year ago #16
My bot is offline too...what happened...?

Posts 150 - 161 of 177

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