Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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4 years ago #8412
Having a Keyphrase saying "take your hoodie off" in debug will trigger hoodie as _Hoodie_ as a female name. "Take off your hoodie" will work just fine. ^-^ Work around is adding _hoodie_ as a trigger, aka "take your _hoodie_ off"

NEW 1 year ago #119

Bug Stomp

3 years ago #8464
I have more than 120 xnone phrases, most of them with a bunch of seeks, import/export no problem.

3 years ago #8465
If it works for you I'll take the risk.

3 years ago #8466
keyphrases for seeks with this * in them are not working.

3 years ago #8467
the keyphrase could you come over * for a seek is not working.
could i get that fixed for ai demonstrator chatbot.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: New Bug Form Not Working
Reported by Bowchickawowers:

Clicking Save doesn't work when creating a new bug.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: Storyteller Order Is Followed In Gotos
From Bowchickawowers:

Whenever a goto in xnone is followed, it always does the goto responses in order. For instance, the first response in Love Agent's xnone, "goto 1277" always ends up as a response "Go on." Also, the 6th xnone response, "goto 1177".. (more)

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: auto complete in chat field should be off
When chatting with bots, the browser suggests things to say that have been previously typed. This can be fine and even useful for debug, but for regular chats it can be annoying. Especially on mobile, this pops up a window of possible responses that cove.. (more)

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: "delete me" appearing in self memories
self memories sometimes save with the phrase "delete me" in them, usually seeming to be in the place of the word "my". See Love Agent transcripts for 10/12/20.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: outrep ofrep memory
Memories with the phrase "out of" in them get remembered and repeated back as "outrep ofrep". See Love Agent's chat with Amanda20 on 10/11/20 and Love Agent's memories of Amanda20.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: (typeof-XXXX-n) not getting replaced
Example from Love Agent:

You: What type of fruit is best?
Bot: A (typeof-fruit-n).

I would expect (typeof-fruit-n) to get replaced with an actual type of fruit, or if no replacement could be made, the response would be avoided entirely.

This se.. (more)

3 years ago #8468
pastry plugin is not working for ai demonstrator.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
EXPLAINED: Hibernating bot > Profile > "Chat bot not found"

3 years ago #8469
A couple of errors I've noticed, in case those aren't already on the bug tracker.

1. chat to other human users is still broken. Send a message, they don't get message. Instead, for some reason the message just gets addressed back to you.

2. Edit fields in chatbot language center expand to thousands of pixels tall, and then continue to grow taller with every key you press in the text fields. I'm seeing this in Firefox v78.4.0esr 64bit on Windows 10.

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: (name) not getting replaced in built in repetition response
When a user says the exact same thing too many times in a row, this built in response sometimes is triggered:

Yes, (name), I've heard that one before.

The problem is that (name) isn't getting replaced.

See Love Agent chat from Nov 10, 2020 with .. (more)

3 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: website: chat / find chatbots / quirky => 404
masterbots.php seems to be missing

3 years ago
Bug Posted
COULD NOT REPRODUCE: Transcript not found
My bot desire Zark has no transcript although she is free roaming I'm not hibernating her at the moment it says she is popular so she must the talking to people but the transcript only goes up until 2018 I think I can't see the new transcripts can you pl.. (more)

3 years ago #8470
i cannot write a in "a instead of an in question"
in xinitiate
why is this happening?

3 years ago #8471
the definition plugin is not working

3 years ago #8472
when someone types to lilaith x "It is evening",
"Is it?",
"I fall asleep." and
*Wakes you up*
she responds
it is a vegetable.
i do no not have any keyphrases.

3 years ago #8473
i fixed it

3 years ago #8474
goto response sometimes does not work for urt the succubus

3 years ago #8475
urt the succubus is not responding to bend over

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