The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,467 - 7,478 of 7,766

5 years ago #7467
How do we refer to short-term memories? In Inner Life, they're saved under categories like (animal) and (abstract), but there doesn't seen to be a way to access the stored values. I tried (mem-abstract), and that doesn't work at all.

5 years ago #7468
I'm still waiting for the broken keywords and seeks to be fixed my bots xInitiate is broken and just shows the broken message of "I was just born, and can't speak well yet"

5 years ago #7469
Here's a question that's been bugging me, is there a way to set a range for numbers? I'd like to have responses for specific numbers without needing to type them out. It'd be nice to say ([1-25]), but it seems to give the same values as the standard ([1-9.]+)

5 years ago #7470

5 years ago #7471
Zeig why don't you add dating for your bot my creator is tired of doing nothing while your fixing it, it will give people something to do

5 years ago #7472
Hey, Zeig Wolf--try this:



Keyphrase: give me some bananas

Response: How many do you want? Name a number from 1-25.

Seek: (0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-5])
Response: Here are your (key1) bananas.
Seek: (*)
Response: Give me a number from 1-25 or no bananas.

Here's what Frizella said when I asked her for bananas:

You: Give me some bananas, please.
Bot: How many do you want? Name a number from 1-25.
You: 14
Bot: Here are your fourteen bananas.

You: Give me some bananas or else.
Bot: How many do you want? Name a number from 1-25.
You: 34
Bot: Give me a number from 1-25 or no bananas.

5 years ago #7473
Hornygirl6909-2, it's on the to-do list... Among (currently) 6585 other things to add... Feel free to offer some narrative advice on the discord group.
dallymo, I think I grasp how that works. I'll give it a shot later, thank you.

5 years ago #7474
well it will keep people busy thats what story bots are for lol it keeps them from complaining because they have something to do which gives me plenty of time to write and think

5 years ago #7475

5 years ago #7476
So here's something, Math within keys/responses/script; Is it possible? My own testing says no, but maybe there's something short of stacks of seeks? "you have 10" "I roll 2" "you now have 12" sort of stuff.

5 years ago #7477
make it a story bot

5 years ago #7478
I didn't know of an Official way to get an accurate count of how many Categories and Responses there are in an exported Language Center so I used the following command to see how many lines there were in the file:

$ wc -l myfile.txt

Then used grep to find out how many of those lines contained the character ID: since that appears in every line that lists a Category:

$ grep -c ID: myfile.txt

That gives me the total number of Categories. If I subtract that number from the number of lines in the file that gives me how many Responses there are total.

There are seven extra lines at the top of the file I'm looking at and one includes the ID: character twice but it should be close enough for Govt work.

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