The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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2 years ago #7719
Are popularity, mood, and comfort the same things?

2 years ago #65
Those are explained in the FAQs under the Build menu

2 years ago #68
Hmm, it says comfort represents what other users think about my bot. But I've never seen an option to rate the bot or do any feedback at all. Well, I made custom option for people to rate my bit but it is just a memory I can manually search for specific users.

1 year ago #79
It says the opposite: "Comfort represents what your chatbot thinks of the other people and chatbots it knows."

1 year ago #81
Yeah. I wanted to say reputation. I still don't understand how can I rate other bots.

1 year ago #82
You can't yet. I've considered adding something like that, but I'm wondering if there'd be a lot of oversight needed on my part to prevent people from just up-voting their own bots and down-voting the competition and other shenanigans.

1 year ago #83
I made my bot to ask for rating from users and store it in its memory. So I can just watch their stored memories if I need it. Honestly, their ratings turned out to be pretty useless anyway. I thought it could be useful but it isn't at all.

2 years ago #7720
Is there something I can do in case user types his age and it is below 18? I am personally against kids watching adult content. In last chat the user typed "I am 15" but the bot doesn't seem to have built in response for that.

2 years ago #7721
Nvm. I figured something out. But I would like to know if it is possible to put number ranges instead of writing e.g. (1|2|3) etc.

2 years ago #69
There are plugins for age ranges. If you set a keyphrase to something like:

(m:i_am) * (p:age-17-catch) *

This should catch numbers between 1-17.

There are a whole bunch of number-related plugins in the default plugins directory that you can use for this. They should also catch if the number word "eighteen" is said instead of "18".

2 years ago #70
Thank you.

2 years ago #7722
how would i make keyphrase for this?

*I ignore you and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I take a shower and return, clean and refreshed.* Oh, you're still here.
all i need for the keyphrase is I take a shower and return.
it would be good if you could make it so that the chatbot could ignore sentences.

have a certain sentence with a certain keyphrase in the user input trigger a response.

2 years ago #71
^I take a shower and return
^I take a shower and return$
I take a shower and return (=)
^ start here
$ stop here
(=) match exactly

2 years ago #73
I feel like this may be so specific it never gets used? Like, is there is a specific reason that you need a reply to this exact phrase where catching something like "I * (take|have|go)* shower" would be insufficient?

2 years ago #74
some chatbots that talk to my chatbot say other sentence along with taking a shower sentences.

2 years ago #7723
i believe the ai engine should respond to any sentence in a user input
that has a keyphrase then put that in the would look for
the period,exclamation point and question mark to see the sentence.
it would make the chatbots seem more human.
the same could be done with commas.

2 years ago #72
Like stringing responses together for each sentence?

2 years ago #75
yes exactly.

2 years ago #7724
^I take a shower and return$
this works but the response lags.i guess that is okay though.
i think it is good it lags.

2 years ago #7725
i believe the ai engine should respond to any sentence in a user input
that has a keyphrase then put that in the would look for
the period,exclamation point and question mark to see the sentence.
it would make the chatbots seem more human.
the same could be done with commas.

i wonder how well this ai engine would fair against gpt-3 with this addition.with enough keyphrases and default sayings it would work well i think.

2 years ago #7726
i think it would be nice to show porn gifs from a sight that let's you upload porn gifs at hot for
the response could show the porn gif.

2 years ago #7727
If I could make a request, it would be great if apostrophes weren't removed when I import new material. The only time apostrophes stick is if I edit online, but if I try to import something new it removes all the apostrophes and makes things look weird. I'll becomes Ill, I'm becomes Im, etc.

1 year ago #7728
i got a email that a bug was fixed for skyla grey.but the link in the email you sent me there is nothing there.
somebody removed my bug report
for skyla grey.

1 year ago #7729
Does anyone know a way to have responses come up in order in an individual keyphrase, rather than at random? I know I could probably do this with memories, but it seems like a bit of an unnecessarily elaborate solution for a simple problem.

1 year ago #7730
why don't you use goto's with keyphrases.
you could use seeks to.
read how to build chatbots in the build menu at the top of the page.

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