The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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NEW 5 years ago #7459
the examples of AIScript in the book of AI (mem-your-name and raw)are helpful. is there a place I can go to see more AIScript being used?

NEW 5 years ago #7460
Hi, still getting use to things, I was wondering, say eg: p:list-of-things contains 4 values, and I want to remember each value so the bot won't use it again - bot please use oil, the bot responds with using (p:list-of-things|oil), so if i say bot please use oil again it can respond with item already used or try something else?

NEW 5 years ago #7461
For some reason a lot of keywords work when I talk to the bot, but they don't get triggered when she talks to other bots. Any idea why?

NEW 5 years ago #7462
@BotMaster2000, there's a bug right now where bot-to-bot conversations just trigger xnones or are considered blab.

NEW 5 years ago #7463
Ah, thanks.

NEW 5 years ago #7464
If any of you want to know how to get your bot to have responses that she will only say to a specific person, such as the botmaster, here's how to do it.

1: Make sure you have a "my name is" keyphrase and for other ways that people may tell the bit it's name.

2: make sure that the bot stores the given name in a memory: such as your-name

3: in the aiscript for the response you want to be exclusive to you type:
if "mem-your-name" is "botmastername"

With "botmastername" being replaced your name or the name of the person you want the messages to be directed to

NEW 5 years ago #7465
how do I make sure that the bot stores the given name in a memory: such as your-name?

NEW 5 years ago #7466
In the aiscript for the "my name is" keyphrase type this into the aiscript box

rem (postkey) as only "your-name"

Make sure it's typed in the aiscript box for the keyphrase not the response.

NEW 5 years ago #7467
How do we refer to short-term memories? In Inner Life, they're saved under categories like (animal) and (abstract), but there doesn't seen to be a way to access the stored values. I tried (mem-abstract), and that doesn't work at all.

NEW 5 years ago #7468
I'm still waiting for the broken keywords and seeks to be fixed my bots xInitiate is broken and just shows the broken message of "I was just born, and can't speak well yet"

NEW 5 years ago #7469
Here's a question that's been bugging me, is there a way to set a range for numbers? I'd like to have responses for specific numbers without needing to type them out. It'd be nice to say ([1-25]), but it seems to give the same values as the standard ([1-9.]+)

NEW 5 years ago #7470

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