The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,377 - 7,388 of 7,766

6 years ago #7377
when i add sure thing to a list words parenthesis it does not work?could someone test this out?It is not working for me.

6 years ago #7378
Looks like a lot happened while I was gone. I honestly don't know how much help I would have been. Was Jasmine trying to build a choose your own story bot? I sounds like the phrases she wanted to use weren't recognized by the engine, possibly because of the quotation marks, in which case raw mode may have helped. I'm sorry that my previous answer to someone's question didn't work for this person. I'm unclear, though, on how they were trying to apply it in their situation or how it messed up their bot.

6 years ago #7379
bobstack, I tried "sure thing" in the debugger, and the engine translates it as "yes thing". So just use that and then "sure thing" should match.

6 years ago #7380
yes thing and sure thing keyphrases do not work.

6 years ago #7381
yes thing does not show up in debug.

6 years ago #7382
i tried to get my chatbot named urt to show emotions in it's face but it did not work.i used the ai script express: amused;
i really want to use that feature.

6 years ago #7383
bobstack: It does say "You can see how these expressions look in the Flash Face Builder", so while I haven't tried messing with that yet I'd imagine that you won't notice any changes in ordinary chat. The flash face might change look, and the Chat API interface might output a field mentioning current expression that the API consumer could use to model faces based on.

How are you trying to read back the current expression? Flash, or API, or some other way?

6 years ago #7384
i thought this script would work express:amused;
where is the flash face builder?

6 years ago #7385
hey. much like the location command you gave me jkroker, is there a way to do that with other stuff like say "give me a high five" can have set order of events but is more powerful than a +seek since it can be brought back during any part of the conversation. For example could i give a command like "Remember "High5" as only "one" and then lead it to the next responce the next time the high five is asked again with "if (mem-High5) as "one", Remember "high5" as only "two". as always i'll appreciate your help

6 years ago #7386
how would I use xnomatch in seems that has not been finished.

6 years ago #7387
MROdell48: yep, that's possible. Why not give it a try and let us know if you run into any obstacles?

bobstack: I haven't actually worked with the flash chat system myself yet, but I do see a number of bots with links to "flash chat" below the link to their ordinary chat feature so at least I know it exists somehow.

I've also never used xnomatch before. When things don't match I always just get xnone *shrugs* lol

6 years ago #7388
Its not really working. it wont display the second message

do you see anything wrong with the code?

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