The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,369 - 7,380 of 7,766

6 years ago #7369
Lol Yay My Bot Has 16 AI

6 years ago #7370
Is there a way for a bot to remember position like for example make it remember you are at a park and have a list of responses reachable if you are at the park? Like: mem (at park); and if (at park)

6 years ago #7371
How to set up memory it is for my future update so people have their names remembered and scenes remembers

6 years ago #7372
Hello Warrior25, MROdell48. I have bots that do as you suggest.

I set a memory with something like:
remember "cafe" as only "location"

and then I key phrases against that location with things like:
if (mem-location) is "cafe"

I also go as far as to split up xnone into being only a lot of gotos to made up keywords, and each goto has an "if" for the location. So then I have a bunch of de facto xnones siloed out for each location to easily add to or mess with without having to use a different if statement for each response.

6 years ago #7373
So what do I type and where do I type (mem-name)?

6 years ago #7374
Ok I got the name set up now how do I set the nickname up?

6 years ago #7375
Nvm fixed

6 years ago #7376
Thanks a lot jkroker

6 years ago #7377
when i add sure thing to a list words parenthesis it does not work?could someone test this out?It is not working for me.

6 years ago #7378
Looks like a lot happened while I was gone. I honestly don't know how much help I would have been. Was Jasmine trying to build a choose your own story bot? I sounds like the phrases she wanted to use weren't recognized by the engine, possibly because of the quotation marks, in which case raw mode may have helped. I'm sorry that my previous answer to someone's question didn't work for this person. I'm unclear, though, on how they were trying to apply it in their situation or how it messed up their bot.

6 years ago #7379
bobstack, I tried "sure thing" in the debugger, and the engine translates it as "yes thing". So just use that and then "sure thing" should match.

6 years ago #7380
yes thing and sure thing keyphrases do not work.

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