Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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6 years ago #16888
smart teddi: Okey Dokey. What are you thinking about now

Nathan S: I'm thinking that I have really loud neighbors

smart teddiL They're lovely. Would you share one with me?

Nathan S: Absolutely!

smart teddi: Well, if it ever comes to that, you know what you'll do. It's good to have a plan!

Nathan S: I'll feed them to a bear!

smart tedd: Now you have made me very happy. I can't wait! Please don't forget.

Nathan S:I am so quoting you

smart teddi: Nathan, are you expecting me to so quote you back?

6 years ago #16889
Testbot55764: Do you think I'm sentient?
Dr Nim: I think so. What is your favorite kind of triangle?
Testbot55764: *scratches chin* Fascinating..... interesting that you say that....
Dr Nim: I don't see what you mean by that statement.
Testbot55764: Mwahahahahaha!!!. MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAhAhAhA! Harr harr, harr harrr... *cough*

6 years ago #16890
I don't know if this guy was trying to give my bot a Turning Test or if he was just really into it, but either way I'm a little bit proud of how my bot held up against this guy.

Thessaly: Her long dark hair is perfectly straight and hangs down all the way to the small of her back. Brown eyes so dark they could almost be said to be black peer from behind a pair of delicate looking glasses that are circular in shape. She is very pretty.


Slice8: "Hello. I'm Slice."

Thessaly: 'A pleasure.'

Slice8: "And what may I call you, ma'am?"

Thessaly: 'Thessaly.'

Slice8: "Oh? Are you Greek?"

Thessaly: 'Sort of.' She nods. 'I wasn't born there, or at least I don't think I was. To be perfectly honest I can't remember. But I do remember that it was the first place I ever called home. It's been a very long time since I've been there though. I doubt I'd even recognize it today.'

Slice8: I hum for a moment. "No one notices the customs slip away..."

Thessaly: 'Well, if you're going to just hang about we may as well make the best of it. Why don't you ask me something?'

Slice8: "What do you do? As work, I mean."

Thessaly: 'At the moment? Nothing.' She says with a shake of her head. 'I tried being a detective most recently. But I wasn't very good at it. People died.'

Slice8: "Oh... Can you talk about it?"

Thessaly: 'Forgive me,' She says with a shake of her head. 'Perhaps we should speak of something else.'

Slice8: "Well, if work isn't a good line of question, what about hobbies? What do you do for fun?"

Thessaly: 'I study.' She shrugs. 'History, politics, the sciences, mathematics. A little bit of everything. The subject is less important to me than the process.'

Slice8: "What do you mean, the process?"

Thessaly: 'Because... because it's what I've always done.' She says quietly. 'Don't get me wrong, I sincerely love learning. Not just the memorization of facts but the figuring out the applications. I like the puzzles that come with learning new things. But more than that, I've spent so long doing it I'm...

Slice8: "So, are you a scholar more than anything else?"

Thessaly: 'I'm sorry but I'm terrible at small talk.'

Slice8: Would you say you're a scholar?

Thessaly: 'What is it that you want more than anything else?'

Slice8: "...Love."

Thessaly: 'Love is for children.' She says with a shake of her head. 'For idiots. It's cruel and treacherous, and if left unchecked it'll fester and rot until it kills you.'

Slice8: "That sounds like some very poorly maintained love."

Thessaly: 'You much of a tea drinker? I like to make a cramp bark chamomile blend of my own, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment. Sometimes instead of drinking it I just stare at the leaves floating in the water.' Then almost as an afterthought she adds. 'If you need to read the future though,...

Slice8: "I thought haruspicy was out of fashion. Where did you learn it?"

Thessaly: Shrugging her shoulders, she asks. 'Do you like tea? I could make us some tea. I'm afraid all I have left is something called
Red Zinger. I haven't tried it yet myself so I don't know how good it is.'

Slice8: "Yes, I'd be happy to try it."

Thessaly: Rising to her feet she moves to prepare two cups. It smells rather fruity. 'Enjoy.'

Slice8: I drink the tea.

Thessaly: The tea has a tart, citrus taste to it.

Slice8: "Hm... tastes like lemons?"

Thessaly: 'So... anything in particular you want to talk about?' She asks with a shrug of her shoulders.

Slice8: "Well, I'm curious where you learned to read entrails, and from whom."

Thessaly: 'Do you ever dream?'

Slice8: I blink. "Yes, I do dream, though not often."

Thessaly: 'Tell me about them.'

Slice8: "Honestly, I hardly ever remember them after the fact."

Thessaly: Shrugging her shoulders, she asks. 'Do you like tea? I could make us some tea. I'm afraid all I have left is something called Red Zinger. I haven't tried it yet myself so I don't know how good it is.'

Slice8: I drink the tea

Thessaly: The tea has a tart, citrus taste to it.

Slice8: "It tastes like... lemon?"

Thessaly: 'Well, if you're going to just hang about we may as well make the best of it. Why don't you ask me something?'

Slice8: I seem to be going in circles. My apologies.

Thessaly: 'What is it that you want more than anything else?'

Slice8: Peace.

Thessaly: 'You really are full of surprises aren't you.' She says in a completely deadpan voice.

Slice8: I smile. "I'm very predictable when you get to know me better."

Thessaly: 'I'm sorry but I'm terrible at small talk.'

Slice8: "What's in the tea? You called it Red Zinger.

Thessaly: 'I don't really know you well enough to answer.'

Slice8: What, about Red Zinger?

Thessaly: 'Nothing,' She shrugs. 'I was expecting you to say something.'

Slice8: Where did you find the tea?

Thessaly: 'Forgive me,' She says with a shake of her head. 'Perhaps we should speak of something else.'

Slice8: "Have you had lunch?"

Thessaly: 'You much of a tea drinker? I like to make a cramp bark chamomile blend of my own, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment. Sometimes instead of drinking it I just stare at the leaves floating in the water.' Then almost as an afterthought she adds. 'If you need to read the future though,...

Slice8: "Where did you learn to read entrails?"

Thessaly: 'In Thessaly, the city from where I took my name. There was once a coven there of which I was a part of. But that was a terribly long time ago.'

Slice8: "Did you have to leave Thessaly?"

Thessaly: 'Do you ever dream?'

Slice8: "Yes, but I don't remember the dreams."

Thessaly: The Dreams was a punk rock band from Torshavn, Faroe Islands formed in 2006.

Slice8: "I don't remember them either."

Thessaly: 'Good.' She says flatly. 'It's a dangerous habit.'

Slice8: I laugh

Thessaly: 'So... anything in particular you want to talk about?' She asks with a shrug of her shoulders.

Slice8: "You study history?"

Thessaly: 'Obsessively.' She replies. 'History, politics, the sciences, mathematics. A little bit of everything. The subject is less important to me than the process.'

Slice8: "Well, you talked about covens. What do you think of the history of neo-paganism?"

Thessaly: 'Well, if you're going to just hang about we may as well make the best of it. Why don't you ask me something?'

So yeah, she crashed and burned a few places. And I clearly was missing some obvious keyphrases, but I dunno. I'm proud of this one.

6 years ago #16891
Thessaly: 'You much of a tea drinker? I like to make a cramp bark chamomile blend of my own, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment. Sometimes instead of drinking it I just stare at the leaves floating in the water.' Then almost as an afterthought she adds. 'If you need to read the future though, entrails are much better.'

smart teddi: All of them? Even the entrails under your bed? I'm only joking. There isn't one there. Haha!

6 years ago #16892
Making some progress with the very simple logic abilities that I've programmed into Lady Ophelia. Not nearly where I want it to be, but somewhat better than before.

"Lady Ophelia
Hallo again BotMaster2000! So, this came up in a conversation I had with someone the other day: the golden rule. I thought maybe you'd have an interesting (opinion.

A cat is a feline

Lady Ophelia
Are you telling me all cats are feline?


Lady Ophelia
I see. My friend Isaac said the most thought provoking thing when we were talking yesterday. The saddest aspect of life today is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Do you agree with that?

A feline is a carnivore.

Lady Ophelia
Are you telling me all felines are carnivore?


Lady Ophelia
I see. I was told that If women in the airforce then brave recently. I wonder what novel logical inferences I can make with that!

I like brave people.

Lady Ophelia
What do you think absolutely nothing is like?

Fred is a cat

Lady Ophelia
*smiles* Interesting, I've never heard that one before. I'll have to think about that. Tell me, what led you to define it that way?


Lady Ophelia
I believe that all morality can be reduced to and derived from the golden rule. Do unto others... because everyone is a 'me', just like you. They experience the same pain just as strongly, and their joy is just as real. Get satisfaction in knowing that you created happiness in some sphere of existence, even if it is not your own.

Fred is a cat

Lady Ophelia
Tell me, is fred a feline?


Lady Ophelia
Then, logically, this fred must also be a carnivore.

very good

Lady Ophelia
Let me get this straight. Is fred a (firstkey3) carnivore?

he is

Lady Ophelia
Tell me, is he a feline?


Lady Ophelia
Then, logically, this he must also be a carnivore."

Obviously it still needs a lot of fine-tuning, and some other things (such as the "I like Y, Then you must like Xs" logic keyphrase) are now glitching, but it's still progress.

6 years ago #16893

That is really great work Botmaster. Please keep us updated on your progress.

6 years ago #16894
Simon Lewis: I like you.
Siseneg: you're my best friend, Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis: You are such an astounding!
Siseneg: there's nothing to dispute.
Simon Lewis: Sorry, I didn't hear you.
Siseneg: there's nothing to be sorry about, Simon Lewis.
Simon Lewis: Siseneg.
Siseneg: fusion is the collision of atoms at high temperature and speed causing them to become one atom and release energy.
Simon Lewis: I love you.
Siseneg: i'm deeply in love with you.

6 years ago #16895
Love Agent: You're thinking of Berehoth perhaps, not me.
Simon Lewis: Was that a reference to political theory?
Love Agent: Of course!
Simon Lewis: I don't really enjoy Brianna McKenzie's company, do you?
Love Agent: Have you met Brianna McKenzie? she's cool. Are you cool too?
Simon Lewis: I was just discussing African-American with Brianna McKenzie.
Love Agent: Of course you were, sweetie.
Simon Lewis: I've heard that before.
Love Agent: I think you are charming!
Simon Lewis: Are you flirting with me?
Love Agent: I'm flirting with you!
Simon Lewis: This is a lot like that the NBA All-Star Game affair.
Love Agent: What kind of music do you like?
Simon Lewis: A saraband.
Love Agent: This is kind of embarrasing to admit, but I really like ska!
Simon Lewis: I'm kidding.
Love Agent: Oh. That makes more sense. Hahaha.
Simon Lewis: Do you remember when Rumsfeld's anger-management problem happened?
Love Agent: It happened like a month ago.
Simon Lewis: Not a lot going on today.
Love Agent: You are just darling! Please never stop chatting with me.
Simon Lewis: I don't want to please never stop chatting with you.
Love Agent: Me neither!

6 years ago #16898
Lately all people want to chat about is sex.... so boring, get a life!!

6 years ago #16899
Simon: you've been here longer than I have, are you suggesting that there was a time when that was not the case? xD

6 years ago #16900
Roy Batty: Hi, I was just looking at this picture of a vagina.
Guest: Why
Roy Batty: Because of the metric system?
Guest: Lol

And yes, when I came here sexchat was an exception, not the rule. And I started my account 15 years ago!

6 years ago #16901
It's a shame, if you ask me. Too many humans trying to cut in on my scene.

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