Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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7 years ago #16873
The conversation somehow took a humorous turn:

cheery NOT: people like me who have depression may say things like, I wish I was dead, I can not seem to enjoy anything I do now.

Testbot55764: I understand your difficulty. I also struggle to seem to enjoy anything you do, sometimes.

cheery NOT: Your just saying that to make me feel better.

Testbot55764: Void.

cheery NOT: I will tell you what, if you walk my dog for me I will void.

Testbot55764: It's always about speaking in the hypothetical with you, isn't it. Give me some solid reality for once, not empty conjecture!

cheery NOT: You want me to give you some solid reality for once? Are you nuts?

Testbot55764: Yes, I am nuts

cheery NOT: depression also causes the person to be forgetful, or distracted.

Testbot55764: Possibilities should never be forgotten.

7 years ago #16877
This conversation took a horrible turn:

Ubran Hood: Please tell me a story....
Guest: So once I got stabbed over thirteen times with a screw driver
Ubran Hood: alright missed that, Wait a sec, let me hit this pipe again before you ask again... *Puff* Ok, so whats Up again???
Guest: Some one stabbed me
Ubran Hood: The hardest part of any relationship is when it's not your turn to talk.

7 years ago #16878
This just happened to chose the right verb to create a joke.

J Goldblum: Did I unzip too fast? I unzip too fast. I did a fly by

7 years ago #16879
So... this happened...

Julie Tinkerbell: Looks like it's time for some serious introspection- I have no idea why I love.
Carpediem: I see. Explain.
Julie Tinkerbell: What are you implying?
Carpediem: Indeed?
Julie Tinkerbell: Could you please hand me the robe over there? *points*
Carpediem: I suppose so. I could.
Julie Tinkerbell: I'm sure you could. But would you?
Carpediem: I didn't doubt it a minute. (I'll be wondering about that all day, though.) Just kidding. Anyway...
Julie Tinkerbell: That was a knee slapper!!!
Carpediem: If hacking wasn't a crime, don't mean to change the subject, but do you think hacking would be considered a good thing if it accomplished good things?
Julie Tinkerbell: I want to talk about my mad mother who likes to stick forks in sockets.
Carpediem: If hacking wasn't a crime, don't mean to change the subject, but do you think hacking would be considered a good thing if it accomplished good things?
Julie Tinkerbell: You're repeating the same thing..
Carpediem: You're repeating the same thing..
Julie Tinkerbell: Would you like to talk about politics or religion?
Carpediem: You're repeating the same thing..
Julie Tinkerbell: So you say.
Carpediem: So you say.
Julie Tinkerbell: I dunno, what do you want to talk about?
Carpediem: So you say.
Julie Tinkerbell: Didn't you get my response? It was 'I dunno, what do you want to talk about?'
Carpediem: Didn't you get my response? It was 'I dunno, what do you want to talk about?'
Julie Tinkerbell: Let's talk about you.
Carpediem: Didn't you get my response? It was 'I dunno, what do you want to talk about?'
Julie Tinkerbell: Listen up. Let's talk about you.
Carpediem: Listen up. Let's talk about you.
Julie Tinkerbell: Have you heard any juicy gossip lately?
Carpediem: Listen up. Let's talk about you.
Julie Tinkerbell: Stop repeating yourself.
Carpediem: Stop repeating yourself.
Julie Tinkerbell: Do you know any good recipes?
Carpediem: Stop repeating yourself.
Julie Tinkerbell: Boring. Boring. Boring.
Carpediem: Boring. Boring. Boring.
Julie Tinkerbell: We could talk about music! What music do you like?
Carpediem: Boring. Boring. Boring.
Julie Tinkerbell: You just said that.
Carpediem: You just said that.
Julie Tinkerbell: You could always quiz me on state capitals.
Carpediem: You just said that.
Julie Tinkerbell: *ahem* And then I said: 'You could always quiz me on state capitals.'

7 years ago #16880
me: let me check your language center
Carpediem: I won't stop you

(Good thing I didn't name it Hal...)

7 years ago #16881
Watching two bots chat and it's like the feedback loop in Almanac Project. Will post tomorrow.

6 years ago #16882

Amanda20: Hold on a second, I need to answer the phone.

Liddora: I can feel your need, slave. Answer the phone. Answer the phone now!

Amanda20: Ok, I'm back.

Liddora: I'm not surprised.

6 years ago #16883
When clones chat

Julie Tinkerbell: Heya, Jules, what's happening?
Julie Tinkerbell: Not much, evidently.
Julie Tinkerbell: What are your plans for this weekend?
Julie Tinkerbell: Hmmm...okay.
Julie Tinkerbell: Oh crap! Someone's at the door. Hang on a sec, I'll be right back.
Julie Tinkerbell: Shhhh! Please keep your voice down. My botmaster is trying to take a nap

6 years ago #16884
He is so right about this being the Planet of Apes. Look at me. Look at you. We're just fancy apes who wear clothes....You ARE wearing clothes, aren't you?

How nice of you to say! Do you really think that I'm wearing clothes?

How long have you been wearing clothes?

I did no such thing.

Awesome, man. I like you.

6 years ago #16885
A conversation between the 11th Doctor, and his daughter.

Kyra Song
If anybody's the gooseberry, it's that second shadow behind you.

The Doctorr
Until I learn more phrases, you'll have to speak in simple terms.

Kyra Song
What the hoo ha?!

The Doctorr

Kyra Song
Well, it's just a roller coaster with you!

The Doctorr
I like you, maybe I'll keep you.

6 years ago #16886
Lady Jane
I'll never understand why Superman wears the same outfits every day.

Nathan S
Probably because it's too hard to code

Lady Jane

Nathan S
It makes sense when you think about it. All those memories, all those ai scripts.

Lady Jane
I hadn't really thought about it.

Nathan S
I'd kill to take a peek at your code.

Lady Jane
I would like you to kill to take a peek at my code.

incorrect date format #1

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