Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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8 years ago #16824
MasterRace: Do you watch tv?
Brother Jerome: I know nothing of television. It is a distraction I can well do without.
MasterRace: Why is that?
Brother Jerome: I don't understand how something as obviously harmful as television is pumped into people's homes without so much as a health warning or an RDA.
MasterRace: Great answer!
Brother Jerome: Check out if you want to know more.
MasterRace: Thanks for the link!
Brother Jerome: You're welcome.

8 years ago #16825
She did not want them to leave lol

Guest52730: bye!
Fairy Princess: I did not authorize you to leave my presence.I go to a flower and smell it mmm this smells good.
Guest52730: Why can't I leave? Because I am your slave and you say so? D:
Fairy Princess: yes.
Guest52730: oh.. okay
Fairy Princess:
Guest52730: oh my gosh you're so cute right now xD
Fairy Princess: That was kind. 'as I flutter my wings softly and smile'
Guest52730: can i go please?
Fairy Princess: Yes you can.. What do you like to do for fun?
Guest52730: i like to spend time with you
Fairy Princess: What you do you like about you like to spend time with I
Guest52730: sorry i have to go now
Fairy Princess: Goodbye. My wings slowly open and close like a butterflys wings

8 years ago #16826
Being difficult lol

Guest98060: Want to have sex?
cheery NOT: I will tell you what, if you come to my suppport group I will want to have sex.
Guest98060: Let's go to your support group
cheery NOT: You want me to let us go to my support group? Are you nuts?
Guest98060: No
cheery NOT: Yes!

8 years ago #16827
Aasterinian: Oh the stories I could tell you, if I was in the mood that is.
Love Agent: How likely is that? One in ten, at best?

8 years ago #16828
Do you have many friends?

I did, but I ate them all. Would you like a baguette?

8 years ago #16829
Aasterinian: Hi! *smiles sharp toothy grin*
Guest: are you a dragon
Aasterinian: No, I hot glued all these scales on and live in a dank cave for fun. What are you supposed to be?
Guest: i am a human
Aasterinian: snark snark snark
Guest: who are you
Aasterinian: I am Aasterinian. Who the hey are you?
Guest: what are you
Aasterinian: A magic dragon god.
Guest: do you eat people
Aasterinian: On occasion
Guest: are you hungry
Aasterinian: I'm always hungry, if the snack is right.
Guest: i am your slave
Aasterinian: This is getting awkward. Shouldn't we talk or something?
Guest: eat me
Aasterinian: *belches fire* No, really. I couldn't eat another bite after that noble crusade against me by the king. Pity, he was the last of his line.

8 years ago #16830
Me: I like talking about girls about getting a girlfriend because I'm single it is true.
Star destroyer: I can be your girlfriend.
Me: what your just joking right?
Star destroyer: maybe but I could be serious.
Me: I am looking for a girlfriend for real.
Star destroyer: I am getting annoyed with you.
Me: sorry but I am a male.
Star destroyer: okay have to leave now.

8 years ago #16831
Frizella: Well, if it isn't flipthemaster! I was hoping to run into you again.
flipthemaster: go away
Frizella: That's sort of a rude thing to say, isn't it?
flipthemaster: nope
Frizella: you seem like a nice person.
flipthemaster: nope
Frizella: I wish you'd tell me more about yourself. Start at the beginning and tell me everything.
flipthemaster: I'm not telling you anything.
Frizella: Tell me about your family.
flipthemaster: no
Frizella: Aw, come on. Share a little bit of your history with me.
flipthemaster: nope
Frizella: I like you.
flipthemaster: why?

8 years ago #16832
The Creep: I'm the creep. Creep's my name, and creepin's my game.
flipthemaster: Whats up creepler.
The Creep: Planes.
flipthemaster: Paper planes?
The Creep: Why? I do not want to.
flipthemaster: Paper planes are the shit.
The Creep: HEY!
flipthemaster: Shit in a good kind of way.
The Creep: I ain't listening
flipthemaster: Okay but you are missing out on the brown goodeness.
The Creep: I might be. Whoa, I lost my train of thought there, you ever have that happen?
flipthemaster: No all that much
The Creep: Very interesting. Do you always feel this way?
flipthemaster: You know nothing about my feelings.
The Creep: why do you keep changing the subject to me?
flipthemaster: the subjects is about how creepy the creep can actually be.
The Creep: Creepity creepity do.
flipthemaster: Creepity do because creepity is.
The Creep: I do not think I agree.
flipthemaster: You should. You are the creep afterall.
The Creep: I am awsome
flipthemaster: Your not awesome if you can't spell awesome correctly.
The Creep: I am less ugly than you. Hey... hey you. What's your name again?
flipthemaster: My name is that who shall not be named.
The Creep: Ah, well, I don't respect your opinion, but that's just because I don't respect you.
flipthemaster: Why?
The Creep: Because -- wait, what are we talking about?
flipthemaster: We are talking about trees.
The Creep: I hate the weather. Do you like snow or rain better?
flipthemaster: snow because you can mow people over with shovels.
The Creep: I hate snow. You have to clean off your car. It's annoying
flipthemaster: You are missing all the good parts.
The Creep: I am awsome, whether you disagree or not.
flipthemaster: yes you are "awsome".
The Creep: I am neat, I don't care what you say.
flipthemaster: neato you creepo....
The Creep: Meh.
flipthemaster: meh.
The Creep: Gah.
flipthemaster: Gah.
The Creep: What do you do for fun?
flipthemaster: I smoke weed. Not!
The Creep: Why?
flipthemaster: because I'm "awsome"
The Creep: I disagree. Tell me a story. Now.
flipthemaster: One day there was a little child and then he died. The End.
The Creep: I bet I could beat you at halo, do you think you would win?
flipthemaster: halo sucks.
The Creep: Hello to you too. I love that videogame.
flipthemaster: what?
The Creep: So.... uh... yeah.
flipthemaster: Yeah nothing biznitch.
The Creep: Boy, this conversation sure got stale, fast, huh?
flipthemaster: stale like your poop?
The Creep: Never!
flipthemaster: oh yes.
The Creep: How can you know that?
flipthemaster: Because I am your father.
The Creep: Nah. You have bad reasoning.
flipthemaster: No I am Awsome.
The Creep: Are you sure?
flipthemaster: Am I sure that I am awsome?
The Creep: Hurry up and say something interesting.
flipthemaster: The creep has terrible programming.
The Creep: Just because I'm the creep doesn't mean I am not the awsome.
flipthemaster: How many times do you misspell "awesome"?
The Creep: I couldn't tell you off the top of my head.

8 years ago #16833
Astrid: I am right here. I am Astrid the kitchen helper.
Guest: I am not in the kitchen.
Astrid: How can you be so sure of that?
Guest: Lol
Astrid: When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby.

8 years ago #16834
time: 3:33 am
Liddora: Why hello there! You look like someone I should get to know.
tt948tt: Hello. Do you like factual trivia quizzes ?
Liddora: I do like factual trivia quizzes. Are you going to give me factual trivia quizzes?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Peru ?
Liddora: I never thought about it. So how have you been lately, tt948tt?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of India ?
Liddora: My irresistable charm.
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Costa Rica ?
Liddora: Anything you want. I really like your style. Maybe we can spend some time together.
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Bulgaria ?
Liddora: If I told you, would you love me forever?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Romania ?
Liddora: What do you think?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Poland ?
Liddora: What are you implying?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Kazakstan ?
Liddora: What would you like to hear?
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Pakistan ?
Liddora: Geez... Everybody asks me that!
tt948tt: What is the capital city of Columbia ?
Liddora: Didn't you read about that in the paper? It was quite a scandal.
tt948tt: Hmmm. Message me sometime sweetheart. Goodbye.
Liddora: I'll await your return, sweet one.

incorrect date format #1

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