Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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2 years ago #8529
@Emily Jones Thank you so much for that..... It means a lot to me...and thanks for sending a note about the vulnerability. But I am just starting with my cybersecurity research and studying. So I don't know what more damage the vulnerability can do but this is a very low level security, so for that I thought reporting about this bug would be helpful for the developers. So I am just 17 and I have to learn a lot about it. Haha

2 years ago
Bug Posted
EXPLAINED: 422 Le broken
When trying to preform oral or sex with 422-Le, the bot doesn't preform these actions and chooses a random generic dialog option related to the bot

2 years ago #8530
Anytime I try to do something with "Just ask" prior to a action it gets ignored and just searches for the action in debug. :c For example

"just ask"

This Phrase: "and I will kiss you"
This Phrase (raw): " just ask and I will kiss you"

If I have a keyphrase thats "I will kiss you" it'll register while "just ask and I will kiss you" keyphrase will always be ignored due to it separating it. : P

2 years ago
Bug Posted
DUPLICATE: No Transcript?
have not been able to bring up and Transcripts for my chat bots. it only has them from 2019. can I some how see resent transcripts, so I can improve on my bots better?

2 years ago #8531
i put this in xnone.
i should be able to play tennis with you now.i was problems with my algorithms.sorry if that destroys the immersion.
if (mem-theseareas) is "byard";
if (mem-iamon) is not "imotc";
if (mem-youon) is not "youotc"
this happened for xnone.what is happening.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago #8532
fun lady chatbot
this is what i am getting when i put a response in xnone.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: xnone problem
my fun lady chatbot
this is what i am getting when i put a response in xnone.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago #8533
@Bob I get this message sometimes too. I think it happens when I take too long and I guess get timed out? Idk, but logging back into the site always fixes it for me.

2 years ago #8534
that did not work.i tried it.

2 years ago #8535
when i upload all keyphrases and xnones to a new chatbot it still shows
this when i make another xnone.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago #8536
At that point your best bet is just reach out to the Professor's email n' hope to get a response. ^^ Dunno anyone else with that issue.

2 years ago #8537
i already tried that no answer yet.i guess i could try again.

2 years ago #8538
@bobstack have you tried putting in the xnone response, save, then one by one add an if statement? This might illuminate what's happening, even if it's as simple as a typo. You could also try the same if statements in a different keyphrase response and see if that leads to the same error.

2 years ago #8539
there are too many xnones .
i cannot edit my xnones that is not going to work.

2 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: Transcript
I cannot access transcripts after 7th on November 2021.

2 years ago #8540
If you wish to bypass xcompliment/like keyphrases just not working this'll catch em~

do you (like|love|enjoy|adore) my _____+s,
you like my (____+s|____+s),
you liking my (____+s|____+s),
you liking me (____)+s,
you like me (_____)+s,
you love+ing my (______)+s,
you love+ing me (_____)+s,
you enjoy+ing my (______)+s,
you enjoy+ing me (______)+s,
you adore+ing (my|me) (_______)+s

This'll catch "do you like/are you liking/you like" ect since xcompliments main issue is with "you like".

Wish I could just use Keyphrase:

you (like|love|enjoy|adore)+ing (my|me) (______)+s

But you'll run into it not being caught/xcompliment overriding, ranking won't fix that.

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