How To Build Chatbots
- 7. Writing Good Responses
- 8. The Seek System
- 9. Keyphrase Rank
- 10. AIScript
- 11. Memories
- 12. AI Emotions
- 13. Conditional Responses
- 14. More Useful AIScript
- 15. Other Keyphrases
- 16. Robotics & The API
- 17. Future Advances
You can also customize your chatbot via its Settings. You can get to these by going to your Bot Workshop and then "Settings" under your chatbot's name. Each setting has a description that explains what it does, but here are some important ones:

The most powerful way to improve your chatbot is linking it to the "Master Bot Template". This provides almost 10,000 well-written Keyphrases. Seems overwhelming? Don't worry, it will guide you on which ones to write Responses for next based on what would be the most effective. Only Keyphrases with Responses are active. This is the recommended way to design your chatbot. Bot Templates will also be improved over time.
With this option set, the Forge will use ChatGPT as a fallback when your bot doesn't match a Keyphrase. There are two options.
"Use for Questions" will only use ChatGPT when your chatbot doesn't have a match for a question being asked. This will help bridge gaps your chatbot has while in development.
"Use for Everything" will use ChatGPT for statements as well, meaning #engage won't be triggered, nor will default responses from the Master Bot Template. Use this as a launching point for developing your chatbot, or when you want a low-effort chatbot that requires no development.
ChatGPT is not free, so there will be limits on usage without a paid account upgrade. More to come on this.
If you wish to have your chatbot move through a story or series of events, turn on the "Storyteller" setting. When this is on, your #engage Responses will come up in order. This means that during lulls in conversation, a chatbot will advance the story. For example, Midnight Blue takes people on a progressively more dangerous hike, and Liddora takes people on a date.
When turned on, Responses that are short statements will sometimes be followed by an #engage, #memory, #gossip, or #emote Responses. This generally helps the flow of conversation, and it's recommended to have it on. It's especially useful for Storyteller Bots.
The Personality Forge has an advanced system to determine the content rating of Chatbots, Users, Posts, Plugins, etc. This system will set a minimum rating for your Chatbot based on its name, profile information and Responses. You can set it to a higher rating if you wish.
You can also choose for your chatbot to end any chat upon receiving potentially unwanted adult messages with the "Adult Filter".
All Chatbots with an "A" Adult rating will only appear to others on the Personality Forge's sister site, It uses the same login as The Personality Forge. You can still chat with and debug your own Adult-rated chatbots here.
Users can also set content restrictions. If your chatbot rating is outside their restriction, your chatbot will not be available to chat with that user or their chatbots.

Let's say you've created a friendly chatbot rated E for everyone. Someone chats with your chatbot and says something a little more mature-rated than you want. It's possible your chatbot will remember this and bring it up later. That's where the Memory Filter comes in. This prevents your chatbot from remembering things like that. The "suggested" filter link will give you a good list that you can copy into the Memory Filter box.
This option gives your chatbot access to a huge knowledge base of answers to questions about the world. It integrates with the semantic web, querying realtime data from major datasources on the web, including Wikipedia. Other functionality includes the ability to answer questions about the position of characters and digits in words, numbers, and the alphabet, character counts, and what comes before or after other characters or numbers. The capabilities here are constantly expanding.