
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

2 years ago #7803
i never use is not.i think you are right.

2 years ago #7804
Aye, Zieg - it can get a bit cumbersome with many different options, though! Feels easy to make a mistake when you have such a long line stacked, an or would be so much more useful.

On a slightly different note, I'd like to wipe the hitcounts of at least some of the seeks. Is that doable? The important ones to wipe will be answers to votes, should be doable by removing the answers, uploading, and getting new seeks. Does this free up the ID for later use, or is it just a hole permanently? I suspect it's just a hole, as I've seen a few numbers that just aren't in (leading to a too many goto error, interestingly, if you try to goto a skipped number), though unsure of the cause of those gaps. I'd also like to be able to wie the counts after updating the branches, lets me check that people are able to pass through seeks/KPs without difficulties. A global reset for the hits would be ideal, but I can't see one!

2 years ago #7805

I'm trying to use the Simple API to test the connection to host and learn a bit about the API. On my Linux machine, I'm using curl to access the host and send the sample request. First I whitelisted my IP address on my Personality Forge account with the command. I got my IP with the command:

wget -qO-

Then I use curl with the sample request from the Simple API documentation and enter the following terminal command:

curl -X GET[myapikey]&chatBotID=6&message=How+are+you+doing+today%3F&externalID=abc-639184572&firstName=Tugger&lastName=Sufani&gender=m

But I get this error:

{"success":[0],"errorType":"Missing parameter","errorMessage":"The hash parameter must be passed in the url."}

I thought that, by using Simple API, I don't have to use a hash parameter? I must be missing something here. If anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate it!

- Orbital

2 years ago #7806
I don't use curl, but try removing "-X GET", GET is the default command with just "curl https...". "-X GET" is for authenticating, and you're not passing an authentication hash in your request. You can also try adding the * wildcard to your whitelisted IP's, just in case. "YourIP, * "

2 years ago #7807
Is there a way to make your bot self learning?

2 years ago #7808
Not any practical way, no

2 years ago #7809
you can use plugins and make plugins though.
then you can make your chatbot remember random selections from the plugin.
like for instance it could choose something random to wear and eat then remember that during the whole conversation.
it could be eating something for a while during the conversation.

2 years ago #7810
So I would have to basically program it myself using memories and yes and no as feedback from user to decide wether to keep them or not. Horrible.

2 years ago #7811
the chatbot would choose what to wear and eat not the user.

2 years ago #7812
It's a lot more sophisticated than yes or no and memories. You don't have to store any memories at all if you don't want to. But you do have to type most every keyword and answer yourself. A glance through The Book of AI would give you a rough understanding of what you're working with here.

2 years ago #7813
I think you did not understand. I was just saying how unimaginably hard would be to make system how to tell the bot wether the things he says are right or not. In all self learning bots, the feedback from user is crucial.

2 years ago #7814
Help! I accidentally deleted seek without backup. Is there a way to get it back?

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