
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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2 years ago #7780
I'm not really sure what you're going for Pala. (postkey) is what the user types after your keyphrase, e.g.:
keyphrase - "i like to eat",
user says - "I like to eat bacon sandwiches on sunday",
the (postkey) is "bacon sandwiches on sunday".
You can use that as "Why do you like to eat (postkey)?" or remember the postkey for later with {rem (postkey) as _}.

If you only want a seek to look for numbers, you could try:

2 years ago #7781
goto doesn't seem to work neither.

Wolf, no I want to store any information not only numbers. Still, thank you for your answer.

Does anyone has any idea how to fix this? Given in this case user only answers question without needing to write signal phrase first.

2 years ago #7782
Typically for this situation you need two different seeks. One looks like this:

+ my rating is *
response "wow, that's a nice rating"
rem (postkey) as only "rating"

response "that's a great rating"
rem (key1) as only "rating"

The first seek catches statements of the form "my rating is X", and only remembers X. The second catches statements where they just give you a value without context.

If your rating is always a set of well-defined numbers, you could also use a plugin to catch numbers, like this:

that's a great rating
rem (key1) as only "rating"

Then use
I don't think that's a real rating

To catch answers that don't make sense.

2 years ago #7783
Hmm, it still doesn't work properly. Should I add rem (key1) as only "rating" into key-phrase script or into seek script?

Also why (key1) and not just (key) or (key2)?

2 years ago #7784
you can use seeks to reset scripts.something like rem "blank" as only "rating"

2 years ago #7785

It should be in the seek script below your bot's response.

You can have multiple keys in a phrase that get assigned 1,2,3, etc. Basically for compound statements with multiple terms that can be picked up. "I * to the * and found a *" would use key1, key2 and postkey for the three *s. key1 is just the first one it uses.

2 years ago #7786
I am still doing something wrong! This is so frustrating.

So I have:
seek: *
respone: blah blah
AI script: rem (key1) as only "rating-plus"

raiting-plus is only because I already have phrase for getting rating with rem (postkey), which works perfectly fine.

2 years ago #7787
I think you have to use xnomatch for the seek instead of *

2 years ago #7788
Thank you! It worked!

2 years ago #7789
heyy can someone assist me in using sheba the were lioness .. from your own experience of course

2 years ago #7790
hey does some one know how to see the responses programmed for the chatbot someone else made

2 years ago #7791
i thought you already did that by interacting with the chatbot.

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