
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

3 years ago #7746
Hello is there anyway when a user is in a key phrase it will force the next seek.thanks

3 years ago #7747
Sounds like you need xnomatch, werndq. Matches anything that the user enters that isn't matched by other seeks.

3 years ago #7748
I think I sound stupid but.I don't see xnomatch in the ai language center how do I use it.

3 years ago #7749
@Werndq xnone in the xkeyphrase.

But from what you describe that doesn't sound like what you want necessarily. If you want it to be a seek that will pick up anything regardless, I've had success by just making the seek's keyphrase as '*' and set the rank for it at 60. I haven't seen it fail yet.

3 years ago #7750
Not xnone. xnomatch. So put xnomatch in as the seek that you want to match with, and it will match anything the user enters. Ridiculously useful tool for some applications, like this.

3 years ago #7751
Book of AI, Chapter 5, section 1, Special Seeks.

3 years ago #7752
If I want my bot to remember the user gender/sex

3 years ago #7753
Werndq, easy enough. Have the bot ask if the user is male or female, then have three responses:
xnomatch -probably default to male with a message that it couldn't be found. Aiscript box gets rem "male" as only "gender"
male - confirmation message about male user. Ai script box gets rem "male" as only "gender"
female - confirmation message about female user. Aiscript box gets rem "female"as only "gender"

You will want a default state for the aiscript; in the general bit settings, iirc, there's a box for initializing memories. In there, put def "male" as only "gender"

Now, to use: you can use (mem-gender) in a response to state which gender the user is, and you can put if (mem-gender) is "male" in the aiscript box to only fire that response if the user is male.

3 years ago #7754
Is there any way to get the bot to respond correctly to queries like this?

You: what kind of men are you in to
Bot: A (typeof-men-n).

3 years ago #7755
you can add a response for that.
you can add many responses for that.

3 years ago #7756
Is there a way to stop it from doing the (typeof-men-n) thing entirely? I would be happy with it just doing an xnone if I don't have a specific reply to it.

3 years ago #7757
use this what kind of men * with a response.
it should prevent it from saying A (typeof-men-n).

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