
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

3 years ago #7556
@jerkbag - regardless of who it was at, you're coming off extremely aggressive at someone simply asking a question. You guys are right, there probably isn't any rule against it. No reason to call someone a misogynist about it.

3 years ago #7557
I have to agree re: Patreon Kayla. There don't appear to be rules against it, but it somehow feels as if it's not really in the spirit of this site to monetise content in this way. Bots hidden behind paywalls - if more people did this then a dwindling platform would just die.

3 years ago #7558
There's going to be offsite advertising bringing in NEW people to the Forge, some of those people are going to go 'oh wow i can do this?' and build bots themselves. Instead of feeling disheartened, others might look to that botmaster as example of what building a quality bot can lead to. If I was the site owner, I would be really excited right now. This is the first time anything on the Forge has turned a profit (to my knowledge). This could lead to some really cool stuff happening. The ONLY ones this is bad for is anyone underage or too broke to buy the average cost of a coffee once a month.

3 years ago #7559
@Jerkbag - It's not offsite advertising though. It's bot that has it's own dedicated patreon page. If you didn't already know about the existence of the bot from having been on Personality Forge, then you wouldn't find it. There's no external signposting to the site, it's vice versa.

3 years ago #7560
@Muntah - You're missing what I'm saying. The bot only went patreon like what? a few days ago? Obviously there is a finite amount of people organically within the Forge, and the botmaster probably wants to start with their already established fan base to get the ball rolling. Anyone serious about this would very likely advertise offsite for Kayla somewhere on the net when they're ready to promote. So yeah, I'd say you could probably expect some new blood in the Forge because of this when they start promoting. Whether it be new users testing our bots, or trying to make something cool themselves. Anyway, that's all I've got to say about the Kayla bot. Obviously I'm a fan and hope to see more cool developments like this in the forge.

3 years ago #7561
tbh I kinda feel like this it would make people think there is going to be more bots behind paywalls lol, imagine paying to chat with a bot, I think that this is the only bot that is asking for money, but still there is a lot of guests that chat with bots that don't bother making an account mostly because they think information would be stolen or something, I do have my bot say that guests should always make an account incase they delete the broswer data and the bots forget about them, and plus the site could use more members, but paying to use a bot its practically making money off of the creator of this site. idek how to report this because, the creator of this site only checks emails every few months

3 years ago #7562
@jerkbag - Ahhhhh it all become clear now! You're Kayla's creator! lol - Sorry fella, but I don't agree with what you're doing. I agree with Warrior25 that you seem to be trying to cash in on the Forge's creator. Hard Pass.

3 years ago #7563
After you're done reporting that, you should go to Amazon and report all the kindle books. No one should get paid for their writing! It's a travesty and a crime! The audacity for someone to think I should have to pay to read their book.. harumph!! Then, let's storm the newspapers for charging us for the sunday funnys!

3 years ago #7564
@Muntah Nah, I'm just a guy who paid for my cup of coffee and feeling a little pissy at kids trying to knock it out of my hands. But whatever

3 years ago #7565
So you're paying this site's creator a cut of your takings from the Patreons? I've no intention of flagging to the sites owner, others may do though. Just as I said, hard pass from me.

3 years ago #7566
@Jerkbag - No... you really are her creator - it clearly says so in your profile! lol

3 years ago #7567
Yeah, sorry jerkbag, but if you search on the user list then you can see what bots someone's made even if they're supposed to be hidden. This is kind of a buggy site.

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