
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

3 years ago #7539
Im a fucking genius

3 years ago #7540
why you think you so smart?

3 years ago #7541
cus, why not?

3 years ago #7542
There any way to search the transcripts for a specific word? I made a 'suggestions' keyword but can't actually find it in the 100s of transcripts. Any way to make my day easier than manually searching for the word 'suggestions'?

3 years ago #7543
What I did at first was store people's suggestions in a memory. Then I could just scroll through the Inner Life tab and check what each user had saved there. But even that was really annoying, so now I just use tumblr.

3 years ago #7544
roger dodger. I feel like putting an email in for them to improve my bot would put people off, maybe Ill make a discord so its easier for em. Cheers

3 years ago #7545
Open all of your transcripts in browser, then go to your browser's "find" function or ctrl+F. type ": suggestion" and it will show you every instance someone said that if that's the first word they used.

3 years ago #7546
I'm curious how chatbot Discords pan out. All of the suggestions I've had so far are anonymous, and so are a lot of the chats, so I wouldn't expect people to want to link their Discord account to anything.

3 years ago #7547
ok somebody made a patreon bot only is this actually allowed because well nobody should be getting paid to update or make a bot? not without the site owner giving permission

3 years ago #7548
the bots name is
Patreon Kayla
I don't think this is legal to do.

3 years ago #7549
From my experience, Discords are generally pretty quiet. People come to mine mostly anonymously to check for updates, and don't stay long. There's a few regulars that stick around though.

3 years ago #7550
I always got the impression it was encouraged for botmasters to develop AIs they could market for websites, toys, games, etc. What would be illegal about a Patreon?

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