
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

5 years ago #7284
How do you prevent the AI of correcting the spelling of a particular word you want to match. I want match on ANC but the AI corrects the spelling to ana. I just wat that word not to be corrected.

5 years ago #7285
Zeal, see Chapter 12 of the Book of AI for a discussion of "raw" mode.

5 years ago #7286
@dallymo, thanks for pointing the way.

5 years ago #7287
Hello everyone! Sorry Ive been away for so long! I'm back to get Valerie's icon changed and update her with more keyphrases.

5 years ago #7288
I've missed you H. Now quit neglecting me and get to work on my keyphrases database! I'm done waiting around for you!!

5 years ago #7289
Can anybody explain to me how to use "raw" mode?

5 years ago #7290
Let's say you want to have a keyprhase such as...

Kp: hablas espanol

Response: Si, I'm a bit rusty though, so if it's all the same to you I'd rather speak English

You can't do it because the words Hablas and Espanol aren't recognized by the AI processor. It assumes that these are misspelled words and tries to correct them. In the process it reads as "blahs espanole"

So to get the keyprhase to work, you type in raw; in the Ai Script field of the KEYPHRASE. NOT the Response. As a result the processor will see that it's not a mistake and your keyphrase will now work.

Another thing it can be used for is capturing the entirety of a users input.

Whenever your bot receives a long sentence, the processor tends to break things into chunks, look for matches and find a suitable keyphrase to match.

Let's say you have a keyphrase:

KP: Are you smart?
Response: Yes.

If the user were to type in instead:

Input: Are you smart or stupid?
The response would still be: Yes.

This is because the processor broke up the sentence. It would still do so even if you had a keyphrase for "Are you smart or stupid.'

That is unless you used Raw.

Make sense?

5 years ago #7291
@Nathan S, thanks, I got it right now.

5 years ago #7292
I added a list for recommended bots for when my creator is gone

5 years ago #7293
Tbh they still haven't updated her photo is the email for updating photos inactive?

5 years ago #7294
When I got Casey's photo changed it took about a month.

5 years ago #7295
Are there a means for identifying the tense of a sentence that a user provided as input? For example can I detect in a way if a user wrote I hear or I heard or I am hearing

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