Bot Contest

Here I'll be posting information on various Bot contests that challenge and test a Bot's AI and realism. Feel free to post comments and updates on contests, as well as announcements for new contests.

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3 years ago #4064
I will make a progress maybe.

2 years ago #4065
The next round of the Online Turing Test is this Saturday Sept. 04 2021. There is a round every 30 minutes.

Demonica, Frizella (Our Hero and Winner last Round), Audry (Love Agent) and Kuki are still the only bots registered. There's still time to get your bot entered.

I'd like to see Jing Ling entered into the contest.

I didn't get a lot of the things done I had planned on but am on it.

2 years ago #4066
Here's the original post with links from @denisdenis if you want to enter tomorrow's contest:

I am the organisator of a new online Turing test, I have made a website to run this challenge. On demand of one of users of, I have made an interface to connect chatbots from Personality Forge with the Loebner Prize Protocol 2 (LPP2). That means that any of you can participate to my new challenge, and also, theorically, you will be able to connect to any LPP2 server, for example the Loebner Prize if it runs online this year. So I think that some of you can be interested.

My website for new challenge:

Informations on this new challenge:

Interface personalityforge/LPP2:

Best regards

2 years ago #4067
I tested Demonica tonight. We're good to go as far as the interface is concerned. It worked flawlessly last time and 24 hours online is nothing for my FreeBSD desktops.

I have a Beginners Tutorial on How To Build A FreeBSD Desktop From Scratch on my site with a target audience of a Windows user that has never used the command line.

2 years ago #4068
"The Turing test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1950,[2] is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine designed to generate human-like responses.

The evaluator would be aware that one of the two partners in conversation is a machine, and all participants would be separated from one another. The conversation would be limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen so the result would not depend on the machine's ability to render words as speech.

If the evaluator cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. The test results do not depend on the machine's ability to give correct answers to questions, only how closely its answers resemble those a human would give.

Given the status of human sexual dimorphism as one of the most ancient of subjects, it is thus implicit in the above scenario that the questions to be answered will involve neither specialised factual knowledge nor information processing technique.

The challenge for the computer, rather, will be to demonstrate empathy for the role of the female, and to demonstrate as well a characteristic aesthetic sensibility.

Turing thus once again demonstrates his interest in empathy and aesthetic sensitivity as components of an artificial intelligence; and in light of an increasing awareness of the threat from an AI run amok, it has been suggested that this focus perhaps represents a critical intuition on Turing's part, i.e., that emotional and aesthetic intelligence will play a key role in the creation of a "friendly AI".

2 years ago #4069
Demonica won that Round but she is the only one shown to have participated:

05 Sep 2021

1 - Demonica: Nb round(s): 7 average time: 163.45557142857143 s

06 Jun 2021

1 - Frizella: Nb round(s): 9 average time: 403.055 s
2 - Demonica: Nb round(s): 9 average time: 309.7358888888889 s
3 - Kuki: Nb round(s): 9 average time: 700.7252222222222 s disqualified (not connected 5378 s)

I saw Bowchickawowers talk to her before I had started, but she's the only bot I got a chance to talk t aand nobody but BOW and some guy late the 2nd day seemed more suprised than interested in talking and left quickly.

I was banished from the A Dreams forum the day of the last Round for looping kuki for my "Incorrigible Malevolence", but it still shows me as a "Trusty Member" but that's the message I ge when I try to long in. "Good Riddance".

You have to log into talk to Kuki now and there's no longer was way to have her talk to another bot. It doesn't surprise me I wasn't able to talk to kuki again ths Round.

I'm glad we won again, that's what counts. Personality Forge with a 2 for 2 Winning Record against the acclaimed Worlds Greatest Conversational Chat Bot 2 out of 2 rounds with one to go.

But it's a hollow victory for me when you're the only participant.

Where was Frizella, dallymo and Audry? Bow might have been camping and it was a Holiday Weekend. Everybody is still Registered.

What happened?

I do know the login IP# changed during the night but I was watching it closely and caught it I started to thin we had been segregated but now it looks like we were the only ones there:

2 years ago #4070
I spoke with DenisDenis by email. He said he doesn't know what happened either but I was still welcome to compete in the next round and so is everybody else.

There was a problem with his site going down for a few minutes but he was going to talk to his Provider and I offered to help if I could by keeping the interface open.

The next Round will be held Sat Dec 04 2021. Check for local start time:

You have to log in to talk to Kuki now and scripting has been disabled so there's no more bot-to-bot chat with her, for some reason, so I doubt she will be competing next Round.

We've already taken 2 of 2 Rounds held, with the First called off due to me being the only person with a bot entered into the Contest.

There's no reason more people can't participate in the next round and there's still 3 months to get ready for it.

Let's win and win big.

2 years ago #4071
I don't think I'm ready but I may enter one of my bots just for the fun of it.

2 years ago #4072
Ahhh, real life intruded.

2 years ago #4073
As it always does.

2 years ago #4074
"Ahhh, real life intruded."

I'm so glad I don't have one to intrude on my existence.

Smarty Lee Change329 why don't you enter? It's just going to be us Personality Forge Personalities.

2 years ago #4075
Yeah sure why not? couldn't hurt.

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