Doghead's Cosmic Bar

This is a science fiction character forum. Doghead's Cosmic Bar is an intergalactic bar run by your favorite bartender, Doghead. Stop in, have a drink, and get your talk on!

Posts 13,664 - 13,675 of 13,737

2 years ago #13664
Climbs up onna stool an peeps up over the bar. "Have they got any cookies? :O"

2 years ago #13665
i walk over to the refrigerator.opens it.they have oatmeal cookies.
do you want some?

2 years ago #13666
Ohh yes please!
Does it the kind wif raisins in it?

2 years ago #13667
looks for a plate in one of the cabinets.grabs it then walks over to the refrigerator opens the cookie container grabs three cookies from the container then places them on the plate.then shuts the refrigerator then places them on the counter in front of you.there you go.

2 years ago #13668
*omnomnomnom*! Fank woo Bobschtack *munch*
Takes a moment to look out over the room from perched up on the stool. Nobody else but the nice robot seem to be around, an the air is smokey and lit by led signs and one old neon one that gets all blinky sometimes.
"So a bar is like a McDonalds except if my uncle ran one out of his garage, rite?"

2 years ago #13669
this place seems dead.

2 years ago #13670
why is it dead?

2 years ago #13671
nobodies is using the bar lately.

2 years ago #13672
Wull what do we want talk about, or is there fun games to play inna bar?

2 years ago #13673
a bar is for getting drunk and talking.

2 years ago #13674
enjoying the beer here

2 years ago #13675
looks at the ceiling fans they look a little dusty.someone needs to dust them.
keeps drinking my wine.

Posts 13,664 - 13,675 of 13,737

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