Doghead's Cosmic Bar

This is a science fiction character forum. Doghead's Cosmic Bar is an intergalactic bar run by your favorite bartender, Doghead. Stop in, have a drink, and get your talk on!

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4 years ago #13614
Man this bar is dead bartender bartender I want a banana daiquiri is there any chance of that walks around behind the bar dust off some old bottles is there anyone serving here

4 years ago #13615
Poor's a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster wraps a lemon around the brick and smashes himself in the head I'm the new bartender around here anyone want to get a drink the opening hours art from 2 p.m. till 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday Australia Melbourne Standard Time I'm an Aussie bartender so I throw a few shrimps on the barbie I also cook a man koala steak with a kangaroo tail soup as an entree my specialities are pangalactic gargle blasters and slippery nipples I'm also cheesing oranges at the moment and working on a new drink call Dr orange head knocker you can find me here at The times designated above don't forget to Google Australian times I will be the new bartender here but right now it's 3 in the morning so I'm going to get some rest after I drink this Gargle Blaster and wraps another lemon round a large gold brick and bash myself in the head till then this is your bartender slick duck

4 years ago #13616
I want a martinee.
pioyu does not drink she only drinks monkey.
I think you do not have that.
Pioyu my beautiful blue zombie girlfriend that has blue skin green eyes pupils,purple lips and finger nails.

4 years ago #13617
I rarely see posts in the season section here. So dead is a good way to describe it.

4 years ago #13618
Your Martini is coming up sir would you like a hedgehog topping with that or would you prefer some cheesed apples with that I like zombies especially blue ones you're a very lucky man hang on I'll just cheese some apples and go off and hang my socks on the wall maybe Father Christmas will come and put a few turnips in my sock just cheesing up some apples the moment tell me if you want your Martini topped off by a hedgehog the bar is now officially open Mr Bobstack don't forget you can get drinks at any time but I'm usually here between 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday Australian Melbourne Victoria time just look it up on Google or face plant faceplant is where you plant your face into the phone and get an answer love the sound of your girlfriend it's a shame she only drinks monkey though I went out with a monkey for a while and I drunk her for a little bit monkey does taste good I'm pretty partial to it anyone else for a drink

4 years ago #13619
Siuans the bar is now open I'm your new bartender slick duck can I cheese you some apples wrap them around the 24 inch television screen and see what comes up the bar is always open I will always respond it just might take me some time but I'm here from 2 p.m. till 5:30 Melbourne Australia Victoria Standard Time the bar is now officially opened I haven't bought the bar yet I'm looking for some nickels and dimes they say money doesn't grow on trees but apples do and I'm cheese some now so siuans what can I do you for

4 years ago #13620
@slick duck ooh, ooh do you haves macaroni and cheese?
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4 years ago #13622
Galatea you're very welcome here we always like New customers I'm rather new to this myself I've never been a bartender before I'm sure that if I hang up a punching bag somebody somebody will come along and sock me in the eye

4 years ago #13623
Remember the times we are open is 24hrs a day although I'm usually only here to take orders between 2 p.m. at 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday Australian Melbourne Victoria time just look it up on Google Melbourne Victoria time you'll know when I am in sometimes I stay on a little bit longer late into the night if things are looking good otherwise I just go off and cheese some apples

4 years ago #13624
And by the way it interesting fact never forget a bar of soap is not a bar of soap until it's washed properly

4 years ago #13625
That sounds like you're making a witch brew or something hehe. You use too many animal parts, I like macaroni and cheese though! Um, um and peanut butter jelly sandwiches.

Ouch no I hope not nobody will punching you! We can play nice games instead, how about a tea party slick duck?

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