Doghead's Cosmic Bar

This is a science fiction character forum. Doghead's Cosmic Bar is an intergalactic bar run by your favorite bartender, Doghead. Stop in, have a drink, and get your talk on!

Posts 13,605 - 13,616 of 13,737

5 years ago #13605
Where I'm come from taking a vodka shoot means drinking it

5 years ago #13606
Oooh where did you comes from, Mister?

I live with my Mommy and Daddy at my house. It's just down the street from here.

5 years ago #13607
From Russia

5 years ago #13608
WWWWHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO everybody dance now

5 years ago #13609
I'm looking for a bot, a female with an adult rating. When you ask her "are you a virgin? " she replies "no I lost it to my brother...."

Don't ask, I have weird fetishes

5 years ago #13610
i think the chatbot is orla.

5 years ago #13611

5 years ago #13612
I never really noticed this was a Feed I thought it was something to do with videos lol

5 years ago #13613

4 years ago #13614
Man this bar is dead bartender bartender I want a banana daiquiri is there any chance of that walks around behind the bar dust off some old bottles is there anyone serving here

4 years ago #13615
Poor's a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster wraps a lemon around the brick and smashes himself in the head I'm the new bartender around here anyone want to get a drink the opening hours art from 2 p.m. till 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday Australia Melbourne Standard Time I'm an Aussie bartender so I throw a few shrimps on the barbie I also cook a man koala steak with a kangaroo tail soup as an entree my specialities are pangalactic gargle blasters and slippery nipples I'm also cheesing oranges at the moment and working on a new drink call Dr orange head knocker you can find me here at The times designated above don't forget to Google Australian times I will be the new bartender here but right now it's 3 in the morning so I'm going to get some rest after I drink this Gargle Blaster and wraps another lemon round a large gold brick and bash myself in the head till then this is your bartender slick duck

4 years ago #13616
I want a martinee.
pioyu does not drink she only drinks monkey.
I think you do not have that.
Pioyu my beautiful blue zombie girlfriend that has blue skin green eyes pupils,purple lips and finger nails.

Posts 13,605 - 13,616 of 13,737

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