Doghead's Cosmic Bar

This is a science fiction character forum. Doghead's Cosmic Bar is an intergalactic bar run by your favorite bartender, Doghead. Stop in, have a drink, and get your talk on!

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4 years ago #13629
I take the martini topped off by a hedgehog.
how much is the martini?
pioyu puts both her arm on the bar table. then just looks at us both.
pioyu says ,"what happened to the old bartender?"

4 years ago #13630
I think he's thinking of selling the place I just work for him he's teaching me how to cheese apples although I'm pretty good at it myself I'm always cheesing apples for my new drink slippery nipples passes you the Martini topped off with the Hedgehog I think the new bartender is going off on some love affair I'm not quite sure but I'm pretty sure that's the story he wants to sell this place to me for 10000 Ripples haven't got 10000 rubles have you

4 years ago #13631
I make a bag of 10000 rubles appear.
You can check them they are genuine.
you have noticed I have on a black jean jacket and black paints and tennis blue shoes.
I have a silver bracelet on my left wrist.
I have black hair and look like a light skin black man.
I take the martini then drink some it.
this is a very good martini.

4 years ago #13632
Hooray! Um. But what is pumpkin nickles again?

I went trick or treat, and this year I was dressed like a witch hehe!

Um, and I had a plastic pumpkin for my candy to go into. Nobody throw'ed a nickle in it or anything though.

Is nickles a lot of money? Is it bigger than a rubles? :O

4 years ago #13633
he said pumpernickles.
do you have a hearing problem?

2 years ago #1
Well let's get this place together cleans off the dust off the bar

4 years ago #13634
I don't understand all the big words is all, sometimes I think it was just two littler words that got pushed together. You know?

But I can hear real real good. I can even hear the really high squeally sounds that adults never seem to notice. But sometime it hurts my ears too. D:

Like when you take the spyrofoam parts out of those big boxes and then they squeak against each others. EEeeek!

4 years ago #13635
That's good bobstack maybe you can lend me $30,000 RuPaul's to buy this pub can I get you anything to go with your martini maybe a Collingwood hat hat and scarf can be nice or maybe some Caribbean fruit cake topped off with some monkey nuts just let me know

4 years ago #13636
Galatea maybe I can make you a nice hot cup of monkey tea in a styrofoam Cup monkey tea can be nice if it comes from the Monkey Bean monkey beans are hard to come by around here of course it's 4000 rubles a cup money on the bar if you like it you can also get monkey coffee made out of Monkey Bean as well is two types of Bean the Coffee Bean and the t beam tea bags are very expensive at least 5000 rubles a cup but if you'd like one I'll get it coming right up

4 years ago #13637
*peals of laughter* monkeys are funny!

OK where can gets rubies to by these magic beans, sir? Do I have to go on a quest?

4 years ago #13638
I will take the caribbean fruit cake topped off with some monkey nuts.
pioyu says to little galatea do you like walking on the beach?
it is one of our favorite past times.

4 years ago #13639
Oooh, ooh I've never been to the beach before. I like to get to go swimming in the pool though. I always get to meet new people.

So what is it like to go to the beach? Do they gots waterslides? *giggle*

4 years ago #13640
pioyu says no water slides but you can surf if you have a surf board.
I like looking at the surfers surf.
me and bobstack like it when it is cool and windy on the beach.
bobstack and me like to visit the beach when there is a full moon

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