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15 years ago #2046
Ooooohh...Scary, I think bots are the true expression of their botmakers psyche.

15 years ago #2047
you have a point, Prob. I also think that a bot will inevitably reflect its builders mind, to some extent. but, don't worry, that's not what Sandy's up to, she's genuinely interested in the bots themselves, and how it all works, what makes them "smart".

15 years ago #2048
emm_oh_you_es_e, so nice that you chat with my bot, thank you! sorry that it messed up the Velevt Underground routine - it's entirely my fault... will fix it as soon.


15 years ago #2049
TY Interzone. I guess I should click on links myself. I guess I am lazy by nature. I also think my bots reflect a lot of lazy fan girl suing quotes more than anything unique about about my mind, but I am in the minority on that opinion. It's a little ironic that you think a therapist would understand bots better as the first chat bot that I ever heard of was Eliza, a bot based on a Rogerian therapist (she reflected back at you, a little bit like Volleyball or parrot bot). Ahh well, bot may be good therapy.

15 years ago #2050
Interzone, oh sure no problem, it was my pleasure

15 years ago #2051
Interzone, I decided to trade my next youtube offering here. It's more folksy and less artsy than yours, but I do like the Vampire Club

15 years ago #2052
moving over here is a very good idea, Bev!

"more folksy"... "less artsy"... I had to add it to my (theInterzone) YouTube favourites - thank you!

don't know the Vampire Club, but I know the 70's Hammer Studios classics, Christopher Lee was one of my childhood heroes, and vampires were cool... not as cool as aliens, though...

now, how about this one:

15 years ago #2053
Wow, Interzone, that creates a mood. I have to admit I find high voices a little on the shrill and piercing side (even my own--if I record my voice for anything I usually try to lower the pitch with Audacity and doctor it as much as possible), but that is me. It was a cool song.

I just love Voltaire (the guy who sings Vampire Club) and I like a lot of "FILK" music. It matches my sense of humor as a rule. Voltaire has some classics like the "Make some sh*t Up" one about Star Wars ("Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish, that's the way we do it lads, making stuff up as we wish..."). Here is an even more "raw" filk song (but I love the lyrics). Rich Fantasy Lives

15 years ago #2054
that was a nice one, Bev, I do like the lyrics, indeed - I won't be surprised if some of it pops up in Quazgaa'a script

still wandering what's the sign language for "hyper-space drive"... didn't quite catch it

this one is somewhat on a surreal side, I'm curious to hear what you make of it. check out a guest appearance by Vetinari at 03:58!

15 years ago #2055
<+1>Repent! Repent! For the start of the world is nigh!<0><0>

Father Peter has told me that this instantiation of Reality will be ending on Wednesday, when the Large Hadron Collider fires up, and turns the earth's core into a quasar (with attendant strangelet brane-foam, and a few brown holes thrown in for good measure.)

But don't panic. At least you still have time to check out one last Youtube video:<0>

Don't worry about the end of the world though - the next one's going to be a whole<0><0> lot more fun

15 years ago #2056
DARN it's no longer available! I think Wednesday is a good day to end the world, Monday would have been better.
I did find it here

15 years ago #2057

TY (and also TY for not mentioning I typed star wars instead of star trek--my brain is defective). this one was funny and had a nice deep voice! Success is 60 seconds away.

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