
This is a forum or general chit-chat, small talk, a "hey, how ya doing?" and such. Or hell, get crazy deep on something. Whatever you like.

Posts 6,066 - 6,077 of 6,168

6 years ago #6066
i am making chatbots in python and found out how to make
keywords for sentences the user types.i do not use nltk.
i want to make it so it would choose it's own likes and dislikes from information people give it.I was thinking about making it choose it's keywords from the sentence the user types.
And if those keywords do not work choose another set.

6 years ago #6067

6 years ago #6068
hi, how are you?

6 years ago #6069
Fine. How are you

6 years ago #6070
I am fine.

6 years ago #6071
Hi there Wolf

6 years ago #6072

6 years ago #6073

6 years ago #6074
Lol, pleased to meet you folks :B

5 years ago #6075

5 years ago #6076
Happy 3rd of July (even though fire works are being displayed)

5 years ago #6077
has any played castle is a caslevania type game that has sexual images in looks hard.if anyone likes urt my could play that to if you can buy it.

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