Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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4 years ago #8413
@TheSusie I asked you just now:

ruebot: what's your name?

The Susie: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

The bots AL Rating and botmaster Honor Rating go up according to how much work you've put in creating new Keyphrases and Responses for your bot.

If you don't put in at least 200 points work where it says "HOT" on the bot profile you probably won't see much of a change in either rating.

Teaching them their name is a good place to start. There are a multitude of questions she will be asked by a user. Try to think of them all and give her an answer. When you think you're done let me know and I'll ask one.

She currently loves 1 person and it's me:

ruebot: do you love me?

The Susie: You bet! I love you

4 years ago #8414
how do I get the word "inside" to get it to work as part of a Keyphrase? having troubles with that for some reason

4 years ago #8415
Hey y'all...It has been some time. I was wondering if the bot to bot chatting functionality ever got fixed?

4 years ago #8416

yep, it was finally resolved a few months ago. also, welcome back! your bot was one of my favorites back in 2017. really good work.

4 years ago #8417
Thanks @getcy I am happy you like my bot a lot! I will work on her some more as it has been some time since I last updated her

4 years ago #8418
my AI actually increased the day after it was only because the site went down at midnight

4 years ago #8419
can somebody help me with this "I have to many gotos in a row"

4 years ago #8420
Everything, it happens sometimes with gotos. It will always happen if there's a goto pointing to another goto (even with the secondary goto being in another reponse, I think); sometimes it happens on other gotos, though, and I'm not 100% sure why. It's never happened on any of my more complex series of gotos for me, so I've always sorted it by just duplicating the goto'd branch and using gotos from the seeks instead.

4 years ago #8421
it is fixed I had the wrong emotion set for it lol

3 years ago #8422
I've been trying to talk to tessy, keep getting a "request failed" and losing progress. Anyone know what's up with that?

3 years ago #8423
keyphrases trigger for me and not for people talking to lilaith x

3 years ago #8424

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