Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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3 years ago #8503
I just tried the 'myrace' one as a normal memory too, and now that one doesn't work. Which is all the more weird cause it worked as a self-mem before. The 'top' is the only one I can get to work as a normal mem.

3 years ago #8504
you probably could reuse scripts how they are to do other things.

3 years ago #8505
Are we limited to how many different memories we can create? I tried your suggestion and reused another script I made and it worked. But that doesn't solve my problem cause now that implies that I can't make any new memories. To which I just tried something else and it seems I may be right.
I did this test just to see if it would let me make a new memory-
Response: 'lets play hide and seek'
AI Script: rem "hide" as only "play"
Seek Response: *hides*
AI Script: if (mem-hide) is "play"

Anyway this didn't work and here's what the debugger said:
Trying: *hides* (random: 0)
Skipping: (mem-hide) does not exist.

3 years ago #8506

You are reading the memory backwards. When you write rem "hide" as only "play", you are storing the memory "hide" inside the box labelled "play". To recall that memory, you need to do open the play box and look for the hide memory: "if (mem-play) is "hide".

[edit]Likely this is the same issue with all of your other memory-related problems.

3 years ago #8507
@Emily Thank you so much!!! Everything I was trying to do works perfectly now!

3 years ago #8508
Is there any way to fiddle with the plugins that handle the various 'yes', 'no' cases? The expression 'No problem' gets interpreted to mean 'no', when it really probably ought to go to 'yes', if anything. Is there any way to get this to work correctly other than adding 'no problem' to every seek that looks for 'yes'?

3 years ago #8509
i am (woman|female) keyphrase not working

3 years ago #8510
this plugin (p:adult-female) is not working completely.
could someone test it out?

3 years ago #8511
oh she sleeps at night that is why it does not work.

2 years ago
Bug Posted
FIXED: forget "memorycontents" from "memoryname"
This script is not recognized when typed in response. It is not possible to require certain memory and then forget it in the response. This is very frustrating for me.

2 years ago #8512
my chatbot is adding letters to the response like this.
input=what is a quater
response=i do not know what a quarter is

2 years ago #8513
Assuming you typed that correctly, looks like you have "Spell Correction" ticked in your bots settings. That keyphrase is a good candidate for <raw;>

2 years ago #8514
that worked thankyou.

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