Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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5 years ago #8290
Yep...I made a keyphrase "query name value" with response "Name is "(name)" and mem-name is "(mem-name)"."

Query name value

Name is 'dallymo' and mem-name is 'Mom'.

Query name value

Yes, (name), I've heard that one before.

5 years ago #8291
Lol yeah a lot of problems with sentences in fact if somebody typed gibberish like sjfjegf it would send an xnone which gives it away in turing tests or you can just ask a mixed question like
Do you wear pants with cheese in them
Do you go to the store and bye nothing butt steal the cart and throw it in your car
typos on purpose lol

5 years ago #8292
Btw can you ask the professor to add a search function to search for newly created bots or recently created or both

5 years ago #8293
wanna * fun
when i change the rank on this keyphrase
it does not work?

wanna (snuggle|snuggle|cuddle)
when i change the rank on this keyphrase
it does not work?

5 years ago #8294
@bobstack, "wanna" is very likely being corrected to "want to", so I'd try a keyphrase like "want to * fun" or "want to (snuggle|snuggle|cuddle)" and see if it still triggers when you type "wanna cuddle". I'll bet it will.

5 years ago #8295
that worked but I do not think that is in the book of ai.

5 years ago #8296
@bobstack "that worked but I do not think that is in the book of ai."

Yes, it is mentioned in the Book of AI on the Keyphrases page under Contractions.

In English a Contraction is two words made into one by placing an apostrophe where letters have been omitted:

Don't = Do not
Aren't = Are not
Couldn't = Could not
Everyone's - Everyone is

They should be broken down to the base words if you want to use them in Keyphrases. There are lists of Contractions you can google for reference.

Wanna is defined in the dictionary as "want to" and considered to be dialect.

5 years ago #8297
oh I missed that.

5 years ago #8298
If you check Debug, you'll see both the raw input and the processed input:

This Phrase: "do you want to have some fun"
This Phrase (raw): " Wanna have some fun?

This is one of the really helpful features of Debug--when you have a keyphrase that you just swear should work because you're entering it in chat EXACTLY the way you set it up in the language center, you can bet that you'll find it being modified in processing.

5 years ago #8299
hi the proffessor do you think you can update the search?

5 years ago #8300
It will help finding the latest bots

5 years ago #8301
oh yeah I also have a question if I made a bot about a cartoon character would it be counted as copyright or no?

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