Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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3 years ago #8486
the single word breathable as a keyphrase does not trigger response for lilaith x.

3 years ago #8487
for some reason typing goes to sleep only works for me.
when i type it into one of my chatbots.
what is causing that?

3 years ago #8488
Bobstack, a seek only firing for you and not others implies it's related to memories not set, in my experience, though could be something with happiness. Does your go to sleep seek/KP/response have any memories referenced in the aiscript or the text? Are all of those initialized or certainly set beforehand? I had something similar when I botched initialization of memories due to working offline (why the flip that line has to have no escape characters, but they can be used - and I'm sure at one point had to be - elsewhere is a mystery).

3 years ago #8489
i found out that i had set the responses for a certain time.
so i added more responses to be triggered to the times i did not have responses for.

3 years ago #8490
my scripts for storing long term memories have stopped working.
one of them for the settings is default "blank" as "goodbye"
it is used to change the introductory saying to a different saying.

3 years ago #8491
for hello urt the succubus chatbot says i have too many gotos in a row

3 years ago #8492
That's generally a problem of not having any valid responses. Like when you have a 'if' statement but no memory set to trigger it.

3 years ago #8493
that is supposed to be handled by xhello but it is not anymore.

3 years ago #8494
Having these two keyphrases

Keyphrase 1:
(my name is|call me) *

"I'll call you (mem-name):
AIscript: rem (postkey) as only "name"

Keyphrase 2:
my * name (is not|isn't) *
AIscript: rem (name) as only "name"

"Oh, then what should I call you?" (Hanging question)

Normally if a user responds with anything like Lily/Bean/Tom/Jessy ect it'll trigger the 1st keyphrase, though if the 2nd keyphrase's has a number in its response, it'll completely negate the auto pickup to the first keyphrase. ^-^

For example:

"Oh, then what should I call you? :3 "

Registers the number as the hanging question~
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3 years ago #8496
Okay, so it turns out that the last part of the message that those seeks were hanging off is what was triggering those responses. My next question is why is that bit matching? I've tweaked the wording and it's no longer matching, but that's literally all I've tweaked.

3 years ago #8497
I'm not totally sure, but from what I understand and remember (disclaimer yada yada), the previous output stays in memory, so if your bot asks "where do you want to f* me?", and the users only uses a one-word answer, the AI tries to make a sentence, which should result in something like "I want to f* you in your mouth", which matches both seeks, but even though "mouth" with 5 letters is a better match than the other 4 letter word, the seek with the f-word in itself is much higher ranked by its size, so it outweighs the mouth. This always gets tricky if you have words from the seeks in your previous output.

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