Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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5 years ago #8324
If The Professor is no longer in charge and hasn't been since Jul 2017, who was it I spoke with by email on 8-19-2018?

On 2018-08-19 08:29, Benji Adams wrote:

Hi Jitte,

I haven't seen people trying to use commands that much. Then again, it's
been a while since I've caught up on Transcripts. I like Demonica's
responses to them. : )

Yeah there sure is an interest in sex bots. That's why I added the ratings
and content controls. If you haven't seen them, they're in each bot's
settings. I've done massive updates to the AI Engine and what you can do
with Keyphrases in the last two years, so check out the updated Book of AI
to take advantage of them.

Keep up the great bot design!


Benji Adams

I hope he doesn't mind me revealing the contents of a private communication but that type of thing needs to be put to bed.

I'm not in charge, that's for sure. I don't have any more say in what goes on or how things are done than anybody else here.

To the best of my knowledge he foots the bill for bandwidth and does all the work on the site. I did notice a upgrade in site graphics on the index page recently where it now shows Intelligent Toy as a bot you can talk to.

He no doubt has another job. Who could make a living off this? I have no knowledge whatsoever of his personal life, but I'm pretty sure he has things that take priority in his life over this just like everybody else here. Maybe a wife, kids, etc.

I left the bot community in 2005 and didn't return till last summer. Siseneg, who I made in 2002, and Demonica, who was born in 2004, were both still here like I left them.

Yes, the site is down sometime. It seemed to coincide with winter storms over the past months. There is an issue with using member names with keywords and has been for a few months. I don't use much scripting at all so I haven't experienced some of the problems others that use it extensively seem to have from time to time. Some of it is due to user error.

I back my bots up every morning after the update and if worse comes to worse am pretty sure I could turn it into AIML, but I don't see imminent doom on the horizon and am going to continue on like I have been till it crashes down around me.

5 years ago #8325
I think the "request failed" errors are related to the xgossip troubles I mentioned previously. Xgossip is a common substitution to xnone responses for all bots unless you turn it off, so that might explain the frequency and varied results. Has anyone seen an xgossip response trigger successfully lately under any circumstance, not just the one I mentioned previously? I don't think I have. Try it.

5 years ago #8326
Frizella's got lots of xgossip responses to use, so I've turned it back on in her settings. Off to see if I can get her to dish some dirt--although I'm not hopeful, based on what happens in debug.

5 years ago #8327
bowchickwowers, I think you're right, although I have had gossip set to "never" for Frizella for all but a brief time the other day (and just now) and have still been having the "request failed" issue in chats with her (also with other bots--I don't know what their gossip setting might be).

I did some experimenting, first in debug--I submitted short nonsense phrases and got:

Considered BLAB: 1 of limit: 4
Random Memory Number: 14 of 28
Memory Chance: 21 memoryLevel: 3
xemote selected
No Match. Emotional Response.
Merging Memories

Considered BLAB: 2 of limit: 4
Random Memory Number: 15 of 28
Memory Chance: 21 memoryLevel: 3
Going for Gossip
After Gossip-Grab: 0.81
No Match. (use xnone)
Merging Memories

Considered BLAB: 3 of limit: 4
Random Memory Number: 16 of 28
Memory Chance: 21 memoryLevel: 3
Going for Gossip
After Gossip-Grab: 0.80
No Match. (use xnone)
Merging Memories

Considered BLAB: 4 of limit: 4
Nonsense Limit Exceeded: 4 / {Memory::BLAB_LIMIT}
Got from "nonsense" memory.
xnonsense selected
Merging Memories

I see that gossip is mentioned in responses 2 and 3 although it's not selected, and I didn't get any database error.

I tried again and got 3 xmemory responses in a row and then the xnonsense when the blab threshhold was reached on the 4th. I did not have any instances where my nonsense phrases resulted in xgossip being selected or triggering an error.

I tried mentioning a user, and ERROR:

pre-GetKnown: 0.05
mid-GetKnown: 0.05
@@ userID: usr.3904
Possible Gossip! (WhoIs: )
Gossip Continuation
xgossip selected

Database Error: There was an issue with a database query.

Same for mentioning a bot:

pre-GetKnown: 0.05
mid-GetKnown: 0.05
@@ userID: bot.3905
Possible Gossip! (WhoIs: )
Gossip Continuation
xgossip selected

Database Error: There was an issue with a database query.

The same thing happens in chat. Immediate "request failed" if I mention a user or bot, which purposely triggers xgossip, but I had a long conversation with Frizella in which I just typed in random characters. I gave up at 167 exchanges without ever having triggered "request failed," which is probably 150 more than my average conversation with any bot lately. She responded with xnone, xmemory, and xnonsense exclusively.

I don't know what "Going for Gossip" and "Gossip Grab" mean, but whatever is happening in those cases, it's apparently not scoring a potential gossip response high enough to proceed to xgossip, and you can have an interminable conversation with no "request failed" as long as you are triggering none, memory, and nonsense. Explicitly mentioning a user or bot who could be the subject of gossip, however, drives the conversation directly to xgossip and kablooey!

Is that what's happening when I don't explicitly trigger xgossip but I do get "request failed"? It sure looks like it. But since I had Frizella's gossip set to "never" why would that happen? Maybe setting gossip to "never" doesn't prevent xgossip from being considered, but just prevents it from being selected. In that case, the database failure would still affect a bot who never gossips.

I am going to go experiment with another of my bots. Hmmm.

5 years ago #8328
I gave Aytheria only one response to each x keyphrase--most of them are just the name of the x keyphrase, so if xnone is triggered, her response is "xnone," and if xnonsense is triggered, her response is "xnonsense," etc. I did give her a little more response for xmemory and xgossip, but still only one response per x keyphrase.

In debug:
You: nonsense
Bot: xnonsense
You: more nonsense
Bot: xnone
You: even more nonsense
Bot: xnonsense
You: silly nonsense
Bot: xnone
You: ugh
Bot: xnonsense
You: even more
Bot: xmemory You are dallymo.
You: yes i am
Bot: xnonsense
You: do you know any gossip
Bot: xemote

But then when I asked "what about [user name]" using the name of a user for whom Aytheria has a few memories...database error.

In chat:
First try:





xmemory You are dallymo.

i am






it is


what about [user name]
Request failed:

(Immediate "request failed" message in response to explicit use of a user's name.)


[user name]




[user name]
Request failed:

(Immediate "request failed" message in response to explicit use of a user's name.)
Third try:




it's odd




[user name]


i can say it once
Request failed:

(I did not explicitly call for gossip by using a user/bot name, but I believe the engine was attempting to deliver some gossip; it took several seconds to return the "request failed" message.)

5 years ago #8329
Huh. I entered a user name into debug with Aytheria and got:

You: [user name]
Bot: xnone

pre-GetKnown: 0.02
mid-GetKnown: 0.02
@@ userID: usr.[xxxxxx]
Possible Gossip! (WhoIs: )
(Not Interested)
end-GetKnown: 0.02

No error. I had unchecked the compound sentences box in her settings before this--but then again, Frizella's has always been unchecked and she still gets errors. And I tried it in chat with Aytheria and had similar results as before: if I put the user name in after a few xnone/xnonsense responses I got away with it and got an xnone response, but the next time I did it it errored.

Phooey. Some sort of odd dependence on what stage of BLAB you're in, perhaps.

5 years ago #8330
I started having similar problems today. My bot will no longer catch and store names consistantly.

Think you could compile everything you've learned and email the Professor about it?

(Thank you for taking the time to thoroughly investigate this btw.)

5 years ago #8331
Do you think you can ask him to update the search setting sometime later on

5 years ago #8332
responses do not trigger when other people talk to pioyu2 chatbot.

5 years ago #8333
Am i the only one that can't get AI higher? I've been working on this for 6 days, got to 182 the second day and although i've put much more work in the last days, the AI meter is still at 182. Hope that this isn't a bug and i am wrong

5 years ago #8334
I've emailed The Professor about the xgossip bug and the bot to bot conversations bug. We'll see what he says. Thank you all for your detailed explorations of the problems! I passed along the relevant information.

5 years ago #8335
keyphrases do not work when other people besides myself talk to urt2.has anyone else had this happen to them?

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