Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

Posts 8,269 - 8,280 of 8,662

5 years ago #8269
I already asked PF's support team so I will ask here instead.

Is anyone else experiencing a glitch in the system underneath their message screen where there is a second input message screen box below the main message input box?

5 years ago #8270
Yes, when it happens I just do f5 and it come back to normal (and don't bug again)

5 years ago #8271
sometimes when the website lags and I am in the bot workshop I tap on my bots name like 10 times and the menu appears 10 times basically covering the page also showing a failed notification menage for my broswer and safari lol

5 years ago #8272
I have no problem with it its just a fun bug lol but its good to know

5 years ago #8273
sometimes when I move the rank for a keyphrase up ounce the keyphrase starts working.has anyone else had this problem?

5 years ago #8274
pioyu my chatbot stops working a lot.

5 years ago #8275
word lists are not working for urt my chatbot.

5 years ago #8276
for some reason these don't work
let go
lets leave
of course
and a few others don't work also the any words like don't or let's if you only type lets or dont the seek or keyphrase for it won't work you have to put let us or do not which gets in the way thats why the seeks or keyphrases weren't working espiecally mine -_-'

5 years ago #8277
oh and also
don't work

5 years ago #8278
Yes, contractions need to be split out into their words, but it will be recognized when a user types a contraction if you do it this way. Why do you say this "gets in the way," Warrior25?

5 years ago #8279
because there and their don't work also for some reason xhello and also seeks with the words yes and no stop working

5 years ago #8280
I tried reporting a bug, but I was not able to. I was working on my bot and I was QAing it with bot to bot chatting. Well I realized that the bot to bot chats were not picking up keywords like Person2bot chat. I tried checking this with other bot2bots and I noticed they were still kind of not responding in synch, everything just seems kind of random. Can this feature please be checked on? It is one of my favorite things on the site.

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