The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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3 years ago #7613
for some reason typing goes to sleep only works for me.
when i type it into one of my chatbots.
what is causing that?

3 years ago #7614
i wish personality forge chatbots had a language translator.
some people that talk to the chatbots do not speak english.

3 years ago #7615
How do I make my chatbots remember sex and names?

3 years ago #7616
This goes in the AIScript Initialization box on your Settings page. default "bub" as "name"; default "blank" as "sex"

keyphrase=my name is *
response=nice to meet you (postkey)

scripts area in chatbot workshop = rem (postkey) as only "name"

keyphrase=i fuck you
response= *moans*
rem "fuck" as only "sex"

keyphrase= I * have sex
response=we already had sex

scripts area in chatbot workshop= if (mem-sex) is "fuck"

3 years ago #7617
I think they probably mean gender, not that kind of sex

3 years ago #7618
oh well

3 years ago #7619
I meant male and female but it doesn't really matter

3 years ago #7620
For the male/female stuff, ask in your intro if the user is male or female; responses of (male|man), (female|woman), and xnomatch (which is there to catch other responses). On xnomatch default it to male. Use the aiscript in a similar way to how bobstack said, just with rem "male" as only "sex" and rem "female" as only "sex".

For later use, you will want, in the aiscript box for responses, if (mem-sex) is "female" etc..

3 years ago #7621
Anyone else having issues keeping up with the book of AI because I got confused reading it lol...

3 years ago #7622
There's a lot more information than you rally need to start off with in there. On top of that there are things that aren't explained well, or just not covered at all. Just stick with the bare bones of what you need, and learn bit by bit as you need something new.

3 years ago #7623
Start with really basic stuff. Get your bot to remember simple things and answer simple questions. You don't need to use plugins or copying complicated wildcards or anything.

3 years ago #7624
for skyla grey's debug.
Merging Memories

Begin Analyze BotOutput: Sorry, there are no valid Responses for me to choose from. Time.02
Message: (preprocessed) 'Sorry , there are no valid Responses for me to choose from .' Time: 0.02
Message: 'Sorry , there are no valid Responses for me to choose from .' Time: 0.02
Names: Skyla grey,Skyla,grey (Names that are words: grey)
Found Yes/No/Laugh: no
Message: (split) ' Sorry , there are no valid Responses for me to choose from . '
Begin Sentence Total Time: 0.02
This Sentence: Sorry

in debug for skyla grey what does Found Yes/No/Laugh: no

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