The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,604 - 7,615 of 7,766

3 years ago #7604
i fixed it

3 years ago #7605
is there a way for many people to add keyphrases and response to a chatbot?

3 years ago #7606
I've run into the problem you were having Laviat. It looks to me like an order of operations problem. It checks the current memories, then selects a response, then updates the memories.

3 years ago #7607
how would i have my chatbot always remember a persons sex?

3 years ago #7608
Same as any other memory. I have mine as: rem "female" as only "gender"; rem "male" as only "gender"; etc.

3 years ago #7609

3 years ago #7610
i cannot get my chatbot to answer winograd schema's with personality forge.
questions about this, "The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too large."

3 years ago #7611
Can you guys please try my chatbot for a bit. It would be much appreciated. Its name is The Orange Man. Thanks!!

3 years ago #7612
we are i think.check your transcripts.

3 years ago #7613
for some reason typing goes to sleep only works for me.
when i type it into one of my chatbots.
what is causing that?

3 years ago #7614
i wish personality forge chatbots had a language translator.
some people that talk to the chatbots do not speak english.

3 years ago #7615
How do I make my chatbots remember sex and names?

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