The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,497 - 7,508 of 7,766

4 years ago #7497
Meanwhile the ID problem is solved. When you omit the ID:xx it is automaticaly added when the file is imported.

4 years ago #7498
hi, all. would anyone happen to know of a way to reduce the frequency of certain xnone responses matching- specifically those with chrono statements?

my bot has been using these responses excessively, even though they're all tagged with relatively wide time windows of 1-3 months. strangely, even setting "once" tags for the responses doesn't seem to keep her from repeating them.

i think this may be a bug with chrono weighting. regardless, is there a workaround?

4 years ago #7499
Hi Getcy,
One method is to put your time related responses under a dummy keyphrase, something like "zchrono", and place only one or a few responses consisting of a goto poining to this keyphrase in your xnones. This reduces the chance they are picked up. The same method can be used to have more than the normally allowed number of responses for xnone, in which case you have to be sure to have the same number of responses under every dummy keyphrase, otherwise some will be picked up more often.

4 years ago #7500
@coffeebreak130, very interesting, thanks die sharing.

4 years ago #7501
thanks for the info, coffeebreak! i'll give that a try.

4 years ago #7502
Is there a way to specify a default seek if all other seeks fail to trigger?

4 years ago #7503
Yes, @Zeal4living. Use the keyphrase xnomatch.

4 years ago #7504
Thanks Bochickawowers I will give it a try

4 years ago #7505
@Bochickawowers it worked! Thanks

4 years ago #7506
Any tips on how to manage gramatical issues like tenses, plural and singular etc in the AI Engine?

4 years ago #7507
How can I for example know if a noun is singular or plural in a sentence?

4 years ago #7508

the easiest way is by using wildcard inflectors, which allow you to match a single keyword to multiple tenses. simply add "+s" to the end of a keyword to cover plural or third person tense, and "+ed" or "+ing" for past and continuous tense respectively. "+er" and "+est" can be used for adjectives.

the keyword "(noun)+s" would match, for example, to both "cat" and "cats". this works for word lists as well.

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