The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,353 - 7,364 of 7,766

6 years ago #7353
I need help with my chatbot It won't let me have a continuous message like most bots on here, for example:
You walk home "enter your house"
I did something like that for my bot I used seek for the so the chat can continue and it doesn't type anything but nonsense when I type the keyphrase for the beginning or the seek message this site is pissing me off like wtf can't it do anything right other people can do it what do I have to do pay $100? Just to do what most people do :/ it is bs if that is what I have to do
What is seek even for :/

6 years ago #7354
It says nothing about seek

6 years ago #7355
See nobody helps on here everyone on here is inactive people can have multiple story messages for one they can type their fucking story then have people type what is in quotes to read the other part of the story but MY BOT CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE THE WEBSITE JUST WANTS MONEY!

6 years ago #7356
When I fucking try it with seek it prevents the whole story from typing even the beginning message!!

6 years ago #7357
I am updating my bots description to never use this app all it wants is money and this not is unusable because the site is broken and inactive since people viewed it like 200 times in one day :/ might as well this site is shit the top bots probably made by rich people

6 years ago #7358
Done, bye non helpful assholes probably know nothing about this website and iI hope it gets shut down for only allowing the rich make a sex not!

6 years ago #7359

6 years ago #7360
I am going to make a bot on instead which sucks because iI can't use the same word twice for multiple responses without numbering them :/ but I am not rich like these asshole

6 years ago #7361*

6 years ago #7362
I hope you all enjoy using soon because this site is going down literally I asked for help on customer support 5 weeks ago! And nothing they don't help I even showed them fucking screenshots the creators are dead only new people use this site which sucks no wisdom can be earned, I am taking my Ideas else where

6 years ago #7363
Botmaster2000 your info doesn't help at all now all it did was break my bot that it can no longer use those messages great job assholes!

6 years ago #7364

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