The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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1 year ago #7738
Does anyone else have problems with (prekey) and (postkey)? They're always empty when I use them. In the Debug window I find:


Same with wildcard keys: The keyphrase contains (*:1), but (key1) stays empty. Debug says:


1 year ago #7739
I have been thinking about this for a while but I didn't manage to find a solution. When the user types "I am (name)". I am not able to catch that phrase without catching tons of different stuff.

1 year ago #7740
Hey quick question; Is there a way to remove or edit default keyphrases? I'm really tired of people just yelling 5 compliments in a row to get +5 mood so I'd like to replace the standard compliment system with something more robust, but there is no option to remove or change the emotional value of these keyphrases?

1 year ago #94
Responses for both #compliment and #insult are editable. But I think you can't change +1 or -1 emote they are giving.

I suggest you to create your own numerical memory for e. g. "affinity" or whatever and work with that. I don't know any other way around.

1 year ago #95
I use "emo = 0" in the AI script for all of the responses in compliment and insult to reset the emotion to zero so I never have to deal with it. You can use "emo - 1" in compliment responses to negate the change if you still wanted to use emotions elsewhere, then just handle them as you please. Same goes for insults with "emo + 1".

1 year ago #96
Yeah, I don't think the default emotion system is a good idea if you want to do anything complicated. Numeric memories are robust enough that you can just make your own at this point.

1 year ago #7741
My bot appears to have lost her memory as the IF statements are not working. Eg: in Memories "my-sex" is "boy" and AI statement is 'If (mem-my-sex) is "boy" the response is not always triggered.

1 year ago #97
I suppose you have stored only one item in that memory (remember "..." as only "...").

The engine first chooses one of the responses and then checks for restraints. (And then proceeds with the next response, until either the restraints of one response are met, or no response is left.)

If you don't want any other response to come up, you'll have to explicitly exclude them with conditions like

if (mem-my-sex) is not "boy"

1 year ago #7742
i think it would be great to integrate text to video in hot for chatbots.
this websight is getting text to video you can use for free.

1 year ago #7743
May I ask why was the sort by within the Language Center was switched to responses as default? It's rather annoying to keep switching it back to Keyphrase... ^^'

At the very least it needs to stay whatever the user has it set to upon searching

1 year ago #98
Same, I'd prefer that too. It's so rare for me to search responses, I always search by keyphrase.

1 year ago #100
I'm going to third this.

1 year ago #115
Same for me.

1 year ago #7744
Regarding numeric memories

In addition to the idea of being able to do math between two different numeric memories, if (mem-#-x) = (mem-#-y);

It would be interesting to be able to have the ability to use numeric variables in gotos/continues:

Here's a simplified example:
/* from a certain conversation line; want to call a seek which configures memories a certain way that can be reused in other conversation lines */
(mem-#-nextSeekID) = 234;
goto 123;

/* this seek could be called by multiple conversation lines to do some memory processing, and then the conversation could continue by continuing to the predefined nextSeekID value */
Seek 123:
do processing / configure memories
continue (mem-#-nextSeekID);

/* this seek continues the original conversation, if replied to, the sleep which does memory processing can be run again and then sent to seek 512 */
seek 234:
Response 1 (blah blah)
seek 235: blah blah
(mem-#-nextSeekID) = 512;
goto 123

This can reduce duplicate seeks and add reusability possibilities

1 year ago #99
I'd love to have this work

1 year ago #7745
Converting regular memory to numeric does not work for me.
Rem "1650" as only "year"
(Mem-#-year) + 1
Does not work as a numeric

1 year ago #101
Hi Miss Niki, hope I'm not suggesting something overly simplistic, but are you setting up the numeric memory correctly in the first place?

e.g. default "year" = 1650

1 year ago #7746
On a seek when a space or carriage return or < is entered get "message missing" or "I was just born..." message.

How to trap these to avoid this?

1 year ago #7747
Is it possible to add general rule to all of the responses? For example, adding 10 into memory "seconds elapsed" for each response?

1 year ago #7748
I think it would be nice if we could add text before and/or after "goto xxx".

1 year ago #102
What you're looking for is Continue

1 year ago #103
There is already feature like that?

This is like what I had in mind:

Seek: whatever
Response: "Sure," goto xxx "and then we can go for lunch."

1 year ago #104
Copied from the book:

Message: This story is awesome!
Response: I know! Let me continue..
+ AIScript: continue 1234; (the Keyphrase ID where the story continues)
= Bot says: I know! Let me continue.. Then I climb up on top of the fountain with my pants on my head..

1 year ago #105
Nice. So The first half is already implemented. Does continue work the same way as goto? I mean with all the seeks available for next replies, applying same conditions and saving all the memories.

1 year ago #7749
I had a problem with a numeric memory becoming a self memory and not updating the guest's memory. This was caused by the "m" being capitalized.
(mem-#-Today) = 1 GOOD
(Mem-#-Today) = 1 BAD

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