The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,674 - 7,685 of 7,766

2 years ago #7674
It would be a nice option to have back in some form.
I'm enjoying the new tools you've added. Though I look forward to having a few more of them documented. Good job so far!

2 years ago #7675
okay that would be great the professor.

2 years ago #7676
Hi! How do you install plugins? I'm having difficulty understanding how to script for my bot. Do i just write in the response section the word or is there some punctuation needed to be added? I see this kind of thing often (m:i_am) in the key frame section.. I'm guessing the response could be anything like. the bot (I am) hungry, sleepy, board, in the response section do i need any special punctuation, or just the word?

It doesn't seem like some of the responses I wrote for the bot are coming up in the chats.

2 years ago #7677
copy the full name of the of the plugin into your keyphrase.example (p:fourleganimals)
read the book of ai in the build menue.
it has examples of how to do things.
like scripts for instance.

2 years ago #7678
ah! thanks! i wasn't sure if i still needed all the () : and *# special characters in the response

2 years ago #7679
is there a way to delete memories from something like this?
what i want to do is delete all the memories from a particular user
with the keyphrase forget me?

(m:i_like) to eat (np)
i did not know you liked to eat (key1)
rem (key1) as "youdesireeat-like-np"

2 years ago #7680
Is it possible to set emotion value to exact number? Like 0?

2 years ago #7681
@palacinkyman -5 and 5 should be easy, just set it to affect emotion by relative -10 or 10 lol.
Otherwise I'd say to hit a specific emotion, it *might* be possible if you make a ton of keyphrase replies, each with its own "required emotional state to trigger" equal to X (for every possible value of X), and for each reply you'd set AIscript to alter their emotional state by D-X where D is the state you desire.

Example: if you want emotional state to be 3, you could have 11 replies (one for each state they might already be in) and say the -2 reply would increase emotion by 5, the 5 reply would decrease by 2, etc.

2 years ago #7682
I have command for user to reset whole memory of the bot if they wish to. Well, all manually stored memories. And I wanted to also reset their emotional status to 0 without need to add new seeks.

2 years ago #7683
Making 11 seeks for one thing seems too much for me.

2 years ago #7684
does your reset script palacinkyman include resetting scripts like this.
(m:i_like) to eat (np)
i did not know you liked to eat (key1)
rem (key1) as "youdesireeat-like-np"

2 years ago #7685
More like this:
rem (name) as only "your-name";
rem "none" as only "wish";
rem "none" as only "user-likes";
rem "normal" as only "typeofplace";
rem "cannot" as only "leave";
rem "not_achieved" as only "leftcave";

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