The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,647 - 7,658 of 7,766

2 years ago #7647
Shouldn't be too hard to set up. I think the only thing that would be kind of a nuisance is that PF doesn't have a way to add or subtract numbers together, so there isn't really an elegant way to keep score other than a very painful brute force memory solution.

2 years ago #7648
i mean questions like.
which of these things is a food? glass,metal,slime,grapes,peanuts or wood

2 years ago #7649
How can I match a numeric value without any text around it?

So if the user simply types "5", I *think* it should show up as (key1), but it does not.

the matching rule is: ([0-9])

Nothing more. But every time I put a number in, it just defaults to xnone or something.

2 years ago #7650
have them write out the number example 1 = one.

2 years ago #7651
Numbers are always read as digits by the engine regardless.

I can't seem to replicate the problem you're having ecksdude. I added ([0-9]) alone to my bot to test, it's reading and responding just fine, and applying the number to (key1). The only problem I can see with your setup is if you're trying to match numbers above 9 or below 0?

2 years ago #7652
What does xgottago do? There doesn't seem to be anything about it in The Book of AI

2 years ago #7653
it is right here.
Compound Sentences
When turned on, Responses that are short statements will sometimes be followed by an xnone, xmemory, xgossip, or xemote. This generally helps the flow of conversation, and it's recommended to have it on. It's especially useful for Storyteller Bots.

2 years ago #7654
this is what i am getting when i put a response in xnone.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago #7655
fun lady chatbot
this is what i am getting when i put a response in xnone.
ERROR: This doesn't appear to be a Keyphrase for a bot you own.

2 years ago #7656
im having a hard time figuring almost everything. I need to know more ai script and more conditional responses. I needed help with this

bot: hey what are your favorite movies?
person: (he/she mentions a movie)
bot: oh i love those!

basically. the bot didn't look for any keyphrase or seek. and ignored the person but it looked like the bot really read the person's answer. Does anyone know how to do this?

2 years ago #7657
You've got a few options, depending. The easiest is to have a seek of xnomatch, which will match with anything, and a response to that of 'Oh, I liked that film' or similar; issue is that it'll assume that the user named a film. If you want the response given to be used - for you to respond with "I liked <filmname>!", then you need to use keys. Have the seek as (key1), and then you can use (key1) as a memory and reference it with "I liked (key1)", or have a seek as (i like|favourite is), then you can reference whatever somes after with (postkey), so (i like|favourite is) could go like this:

"What are your favourite movies?"
"I like splat."
"Oh, I like splat too!"/"Oh, I didn't like splat..."

Your best bet is to have the postkey one and also an xnomatch in case they just say the name of the film, IMO.

2 years ago #7658
you could use a plugin for sciencefiction,drama,comedy,history or romance as a keyphrase.example then it's response could be oh you like science fictions movies.if it is in the sciencefiction movies pugin.

you can make your own plugins.

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