The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,548 - 7,559 of 7,766

3 years ago #7548
Yup, Ptera. Something major broke and we can't edit online. Can create new KPs and edit offline, though.

3 years ago #7549
When you create a new KP in offline, what do you put for the ID?

3 years ago #7550
You leave it blank, Sirforgotten. It'll get autofilled when uploaded. If you need to goto it, you can't. You could, at one time, use ID:A and goto A, but that doesn't actually work. I just put in TOADDGOTO instead of the goto and then, after imp/export, updating it.

3 years ago #7551
is there a way to count how many times
a person asks a stupid question?
And then have a certain response after the person asks a stupid question for that many times?

3 years ago #7552
Benji Adams is still PF's owner. He may be busy with own work so there are moments he works less on PF and others he can be more focused on it. Not true he sold it or anything like that. He told me to feel free to clarify it in the forum, which I did.

3 years ago #7553
this works.
does a (p:animals) need to (eat|drink|breath|move)
but this does not.
does a (p:animals) need (water|air|food|sunlight|heat)
why is that?

3 years ago #7554
Try this

do (p:animals) need (water|air|food|sunlight|heat)

3 years ago #7555

3 years ago #7556
that worked thanks.

3 years ago #7557
is there a if in both list code?

3 years ago #7558
I'm trying to figure out a way to use memories, for example..

User says: "I like dancing."

The bot responds: "You like dancing? Cool!" and then writes it to memory with

remember (postkey) as "youlike";

So far, so good, I end up with a list of things the person likes.

But what I'm trying to do next is to come up with a bit of code to check the existing memories, and only use the response that will write something to memory if they haven't already said that item before. I tried:

if (mem-youlike) is not (postkey);

But that doesn't work. Does anyone know of a way to do this, or is it something the PF engine just can't do?

3 years ago #7559
"is there a way to count how many times
a person asks a stupid question?
And then have a certain response after the person asks a stupid question for that many times?"

How I would do that is write a keyphrase to catch the stupid question.

Then have the first response be whatever answer you'd have for the first time, with this in the AI line: if (mem-stupidq) does not exist; remember "1" as only "stupidq";

Have the second response, with this in the AI line: if (mem-stupidq) is "1";remember "2" as only "stupidq";

Then the third response with this in the AI line: if (mem-stupidq) is "2"; remember "3" as only "stupidq";

You could continue it for as many steps as you want like that, but just make the last one something like "The answer isn't going to change, no matter how many times you ask, jerk!"

Not a very elegant way of handling it maybe, but hopefully it helps.

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