The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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3 years ago #7541
My if (a) is "B" in Responses don't work. I think my mistake in Initialization but i am not sure. Maybe you have some ideas?

3 years ago #7542
Let's see, reasons why that might not work...

If the user doesn't have (a), it will never work.

Make sure that you're saving memories as 'remember "B" as "a"' and checking them with 'if (mem-a) is "B"'. I accidentally initialized one of my memories with 'remember "B" as "mem-a"', so now I have to retrieve it with (mem-mem-a).

Check the Inner Life to make sure that your memory has the exact value it's supposed to. I've had memories get sort of corrupted because I was trying to save values like "you" and "me" which PersonalityForge messes with.

3 years ago #7543
Thank you! Now it works

3 years ago #7544
You're welcome! Glad I could help.

3 years ago #7545

3 years ago #7546
If I click on "edit" to edit a keyword, it just redirects me to the chatbot workshop, so I can't edit any phrases

3 years ago #7547
use the export & import in chatbot workshop.
read about how to use it in the book of ai in the build menu.

3 years ago #7548
Yup, Ptera. Something major broke and we can't edit online. Can create new KPs and edit offline, though.

3 years ago #7549
When you create a new KP in offline, what do you put for the ID?

3 years ago #7550
You leave it blank, Sirforgotten. It'll get autofilled when uploaded. If you need to goto it, you can't. You could, at one time, use ID:A and goto A, but that doesn't actually work. I just put in TOADDGOTO instead of the goto and then, after imp/export, updating it.

3 years ago #7551
is there a way to count how many times
a person asks a stupid question?
And then have a certain response after the person asks a stupid question for that many times?

3 years ago #7552
Benji Adams is still PF's owner. He may be busy with own work so there are moments he works less on PF and others he can be more focused on it. Not true he sold it or anything like that. He told me to feel free to clarify it in the forum, which I did.

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