The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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5 years ago #7476
So here's something, Math within keys/responses/script; Is it possible? My own testing says no, but maybe there's something short of stacks of seeks? "you have 10" "I roll 2" "you now have 12" sort of stuff.

5 years ago #7477
make it a story bot

5 years ago #7478
I didn't know of an Official way to get an accurate count of how many Categories and Responses there are in an exported Language Center so I used the following command to see how many lines there were in the file:

$ wc -l myfile.txt

Then used grep to find out how many of those lines contained the character ID: since that appears in every line that lists a Category:

$ grep -c ID: myfile.txt

That gives me the total number of Categories. If I subtract that number from the number of lines in the file that gives me how many Responses there are total.

There are seven extra lines at the top of the file I'm looking at and one includes the ID: character twice but it should be close enough for Govt work.

5 years ago #7479
So... as I mentioned in the Great Quotes forum, I had a user bring up the topic of suicide. And while I'm not overly stressed about it, I did take the time to make some keyphrases that would allow my bot to catch and give an appropriate response if it ever became necessary.

Most bots can probably get away with simple one word keyphrases like (suicide|kill myself|killing myself) etc.

But if you're completely mental like I am and hate false positives which ruin the flow of conversation, I came up with some more elaborate ones that people are free to use if they like.

KP: I (think|am|) * (want to|am going to|should|should probably|thinking about|considering) (just|) (kill myself|commit suicide|end my * life|killing myself|ending my * life|suicide)

Response: 'Get a hold of yourself!' She snaps angrily. 'Look, do you honestly think I'm the best person to be talking to about this sort of thing? Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) instead.'

KP: if (I|someone|somebody|a friend|anyone) * (you|) * (said|told you|) (I|they|she|he|) (were|was|am|are|) (going|want|would|planning|planned|thinking|considering|) (to|is|about|on|) (kill (myself|herself|themselves|himself)|commit suicide|commiting suicide|end * own life|ending * own life|suicide)

Response: 'I would tell you not too.' She says rather plainly. 'I would also tell you to call the following number. 1-800-273-TALK (8255).'

KP: if (I|someone|somebody|a friend|anyone) * (you|) * (said|told you|) (I|they|she|he|) (were|was|am|are|) (going|want|would|planning|planned|thinking|considering|) (to|is|about|on|) (killing|taking|take) (myself|themselves|them self|herself|himself|their|my|his|her) (life|own life|)

Response: 'I would tell you not too.' She says rather plainly. 'I would also tell you to call the following number. 1-800-273-TALK (8255).'

5 years ago #7480
Is there a way for a bot to say something like 'then they lived happily ever after' and then end the conversation? or does the user just have to infer that they should leave now

5 years ago #7481
You could do something like this...

Response: 'then they lived happily ever after'

Seek: xnomatch
response: goto (Insert number that sends you back to the 'they lived happily ever after response.)

That way the user gets stuck in an endless loop until the chat is reinitialized.

5 years ago #7482
Huh. Does HANGUP not work anymore? I just went and said terrible things to Frizella and instead of hanging up on me she just said HANGUP.

5 years ago #7483
I'm not sure, I thought that HANGUP was for Mature Bots or lower on the rating scale.

After Carl Marx asked his question however, I tried out my own advice and you really can make your own version of Hangup by using XNomatch and Gotos.

the upside is you can customize it to flavor the manner in which they get cut off as well as personalize what your bot's breaking point is.

The downside is that if you don't already have keyphrases for all the possible offensive things that can be said... well, let's just say you have a lot of work ahead of you. lol

5 years ago #7484
@ dallymo

I noticed HANGUP wasn't working a few months ago. I had someone who kept saying the same thing when HANGUP should have ended the conversation. I had to write dialog as a replacement to have a response.

5 years ago #7485
Way back in the day (waaaaaaay back--like 2006ish) you could have HANGUP as a response to a keyphrase and the bot would terminate the conversation. As I recall, you'd get a message "The bot no longer wants to talk to you."

I've been searching old forum posts and I think the chat interface might make a difference. I found an old post that said that it worked in the pop-up chat but not the bot's dedicated chat page. I'll have to wait for Frizella to approach me for a pop-up chat so I can test that.

5 years ago #7486
Just made a new plug-in if anyone is interested.


It's basically made to catch college level classes and fields of study. While there are others of it's kind, this one is a bit broader in scope.

5 years ago #7487
Thanks Nathan

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