The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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6 years ago #7427
Okay, I think I've got it.

To simulate location, I've got to first add an initialization default for a thing to serve as checkpoint 1. I then put anything I want available as a response as "if (checkpoint) is "check1"".

I then create an AIscript checkpoint of "rem (checkpoint) as "check2" whenever a certain condition is met -- this serves to lock out any sort of drabble conversation from checkpoint 1 and allow ONLY checkpoint 2 responses.

I then put "if (checkpoint) is "check2" on any that should be responded when the check2 checkpoint is reached. This will hopefully prevent any fall-outs taking a participant all the way back to the start.

does this make any sense, and is it right?

6 years ago #7428
@Iamasinner Yep, that sounds like it ought to help out.

5 years ago #7429
Is there anyway to increase certain memories other than emotions with math? I'm just wondering for the case of conditional responses. I know that emotion kind of works like that, but is there anyway I can do that for other memory values? Like:
If (mem-times-conplimented) is "0", rem "1" as only "times-complimented"?

This has been bugging me a bit, so help would be greatly appreciated!

5 years ago #7430
I want to have an AI entity but with a 3d avatar. I have plenty of 3d avatars at my disposal, I just dont know what I need in order to make it happen. Do any of you know what platform I need to make this a reality?

5 years ago #7431
try botlibre and lovedroids websights.

5 years ago #7432
is it possible to have the urt chatbot send pics?some wanted this.

5 years ago #7433
I've seen bots on here that will share a URL to another site, such as facebook or imgur that have pics up.

5 years ago #7434
but how would I do that?

5 years ago #7435
what does times matched minus mean?

5 years ago #7436
You just include a url in one of the responses.

I'm not sure what you mean by "times matched minus". Can you show a screenshot of it?

5 years ago #7437
it happens in debug page of my chatbot.

5 years ago #7438
I've noticed over the past week the stats in the Social section of Demonicas profile page drop each morning just before the A.I. and Honor values are re-tabulated.

On 8-11-18 her stats were:

People Known: 16662
Loves: 8897 people
Hates: 2467 people

Today, at approximately 5am 8-16-18 her stats were:

People Known: 16292
Loves: 8709 people
Hates: 2400 people

At 5:42am 8-16-18 they had dropped to:

People Known: 15947
Loves: 8566 people
Hates: 2328 people

So from the 11th to the 16th she forgot approximately 700 people. That's in addition to the new people she meets each day that are lost in the process.

The number usually gets back up around where it was, then it drops again, usually fluctuating somewhere around 300 people a day and her transcripts reflect that. I tracked it each day to see what it got back up to and then after the drop, but it's dropping faster than she meets people.

Siseneg, my other bot didn't drop today and went up from yesterday:

Siseneg 8-15-18
People Known: 9077
Loves: 834 people
Hates: 51 people

Siseneg 8-16-18
People Known: 9096
Loves: 835 people
Hates: 52 people

At first I thought it might be a normal part of memory, but surely she isn't forgetting that many people so quickly. Not everyone who logs a transcript entry talks to her, or they might only say a couple sentences before leaving, but I wouldn't think that would deduct from people known.

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