The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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3 years ago #7577
Never mind I figured it out. Seeks are case-sensitive

3 years ago #7578
I'm not going to lie, this is really frustrating. The AI book is not as comprehensive as it should be to get someone going. I don't understand how to utilize AIScript, the book says there are rules that a keyphrase abides by so you have to write the keyphrase in a specific way (i.e. no capitals yet when you don't put the capital and when the bot chats and receives the response with a capital, the bot doesn't understand the message). I get it. This whole site is free for people to use, but man am I lost. How do you get your bot to remember any new name said and recall for the remainder of a conversation? How do you use the plugins correctly? Where are the extensive examples? the Book of AI is much like an old math textbook with useless examples, indirect instructions, and the only way to understand it is if you have prior knowledge. I appreciate what this site stands for but man the guidance here sucks.

3 years ago #7579
how to use plugins.
example 1
keyphrase = is (p:emotions2) a emotion

example 2
keyphrase = i am (p:emotions2) right now.
response = i sometimes feel that way.

play around with that for now.
i will answer the other questions ounce you get the hang of that.

3 years ago #7580
When it comes to names, you can ask the user what their name is, and have a response of xnomatch so it catches any response. Add the aiscript rem 'name' as only (key1), then use (mem-name) any time you want to use their name.

3 years ago #7581
Also, I'm finding that the lowercase seeks work fine with uppercase and mixed case responses - unless you're using raw aiscript, the site turns all messages to lowercase when it does its spellcheck etc.. what was failing to be matched, and by what? When using debug mode, did it say the input was still uppercase after processing?

3 years ago #7582
yes and no's tend to need to be raw to work. not always the case though. there was something else like this too but idk

3 years ago #7583
Thank you for responses, I will play around with what was mentioned. I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around (Key)'s but I don't have any specific question except the general concept of not understanding. But I'll try and reread the book of AI again. Also, the response that wasn't working was "hey" it wouldn't understand "Hey" so I had to make a word list. I'm finding myself making word lists with every possible variation of the word and I'm not using raw. But again thank you for responding, I really appreciate it.

3 years ago #7584
Hey is odd, I believe. I think all greetings get pulled into xhello, and triggers once per person before triggering xgreeting instead.

3 years ago #7585
I'm guessing no one knows anything about my plug-in failure ?

to recap im talking about how in convo's, used plugins don't always seem to work. so the bot just ends up saying a incomplete sentence.

I could just replace most of them with (asdas|asdas) but it would kinda defeat the point.

3 years ago #7586
iv also noticed the rem (mem-anything) as only "w/e" is buggy.. its made a few new mems like as only "yes" and it makes a new mem called yes and remembers it as the next as only requested.. might have to go back and change it.. just a heads up.

But I seriously need to know about that plug in bug..

3 years ago #7587
i would not use slash with memory

3 years ago #7588
yeahhh w/e just means "what ever" lol but I'm seeing it allot more, were rem (mem-bob) as only "1" some how becomes (mem-1) as only 2 or some random crap.. its showing up allot now during tests, ill probably switch to "1" as only "bob".. but fuck.. honestly like 80-90% of my kp have mems attached like that.. I could just keep replacing them as I notice it but idk.. I'm tired lol

it definitely seems like its confusing what its supposed to remember with what its next memory is supposed to be.. but on paper it all looks sound, and sometimes what its replaced with seems random.. it shouldn't have any trouble.. so I have to assume its a bug..

it could also be conflicting with something some how, like when i had a xnomatch and a seek looking for different versions of the same thing broke them both in the intro. kinda wish i woulda wrote that down, cause it feels allot like that but instead of replacing the mem with a kp its replacing it with another mem.. maybe..? in debug.. it looks like its creating a post key seek for the mem, or i could just be miss understanding what I'm seeing.. but like i said idk.

ill try some more in debug when i get the chance..

getting a little disheartened between this and that plug in problem.. guessing no one else is having that issue since no ones said anything about it. maybe I'm the only one using plug-ins in responses.. idk

will admit though debug is pretty kool, it can also show break downs and possible variations for statements.
I could learn a thing or two about wild cards from it. there was also a $k at the end of them, does that mean the ai engine?

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