The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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4 years ago #7523
does submitting a idea mean i have to pay for it's implementation?

4 years ago #7524
Is there a way to compound AIscript in order to create if-then logic? Like:

if (mem-fullness) is "hungry" then remember (fullness) as "fed";
if (mem-fullness) is "fed" then remember (fullness) as "stuffed"

On a related note, is there an "OR" function so that if even just one of several criteria is fulfilled then the conditional response can be triggered.

Basically I want to create a range like emotional range. Right now the only way I can think of doing this is to create a seek for each state of fullness, which is just not very efficient once we reach like 5+ states

4 years ago #7525
Here, this should help you out Henry:

4 years ago #7526
chatbots cannot define
a word any more.
has that been disabled?

4 years ago #7527
does personality forge chatbots have natural language understanding.

4 years ago #7528
There really needs to be a way to delete all recorded memories for bots! Unless I've just missed it somehow, if it does exist, please let me know where to find that option!

4 years ago #7529
ACcaptive, I thought there was, but couldn't find it the other day when I was hunting a bug. You can edit the self- memories, and memories related to specific users, but that would take ages to do all of them. No delete all button.

Another thing I thought used to exist was a requirement to escape " when working offline (so use \" instead). As it turns out, this changed at some point, and whilst you can use escape characters in the language centre code bit, you can't in the initialization line. That line doesn't go through the filter.

4 years ago #7530
why can't there be a sleep mode for chatbots made.
where i can a response for them sleeping.
it would continually say this until the time is up.
example something like you see Edward sleeping in his bed.
I was having trouble implementing this with time based responses.

4 years ago #7531
There's no reason in principle you can't do this... the problem is you basically need to catch EVERY possible query that the user can input and go to this one message. I don't know if there's really any way to do this other than to manually put a conditional into every message that it checks and redirects if needed, which is, needless to say, rather painful to do if your bot is of any significant size.

It might not be SO bad in practical terms. I have something like this set up for Emily, where she gets so furious she won't talk to you anymore. I have memory flag that gets triggered when this happens, and I check it against xnone, xcommand, xnonsense and the 10 or so most likely queries to her, which is usually enough to get the message across. Even though there may be a whole bunch of responses that will still technically trigger, odds are if your bot is unresponsive your users will quickly get bored and move on rather than trying to map where there are some weaknesses in your coding. If something crops up, hopefully you can spot it in the logs.

4 years ago #7532
I am using time based response for this and other things.

3 years ago #7533
I think personality forge needs the option of using a sex and profanity filter for the chatlogs.

3 years ago #7534
I think personality forge needs the option of using a sex and profanity filter for the transcripts.

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