The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,396 - 7,407 of 7,766

6 years ago #7396
Well (mem-something) and (self-something) are both ways of accessing different kinds of variables via the AIscript. If the bot said those things out loud, that just means that something went wrong, either a bug in PF's text processor (it's not supposed to select a response which references an unset variable) or something the creator did wrong.

6 years ago #7397
i could not figure out how to make my chatbot remember what it said for as long as the user talks to it, then if they would stop talking to them they would forget?

6 years ago #7398
Well, I offered my idea of abusing the xinitiate or xhello keywords as an opportunity to issue a "forget" command. Aside from that, how would a bot tell the difference between not having talked in a long time and having talked mere moments before?

6 years ago #7399
if the chatbot detects the same keyphrase being used then you can use a goto.goto is in the book of ai.that is for a short time.for a long time we have scripts for that.

6 years ago #7400
on botlibre websight i use on repeat.And it works as long as
i have varied sentences meaning the same thing.
keyphrases are question on botlibre.

Like for instance the question please stand and the response
i stand up.on repeata would be i stand up,i am standing,i am standing here.That is just an example.i did a test with thieve my chatbot on botlibre.

6 years ago #7401
jrkroker I figured it out I looped the goto's to do it until the user changes the conversation.

6 years ago #7402
Alrighty, congratulations. Another way to get an affect like you were talking about might be to use the "storyteller" mode, to cycle through the available responses in order instead of selecting them at random. I think the challenge is that storyteller mode must be enabled or disabled for all keywords for that bot simultaneously, you can't select individual keywords to behave in storyteller fashion. :o

6 years ago #7403
somebody reprogrammed the chatbots.urt is saying I have too many goto's in a row.

6 years ago #7404
now it won't loop forever was doing it yesterday.

6 years ago #7405
I do not have nearly this much trouble on botlibre.

6 years ago #7406
what is best way to handle many differrent typed sentences?

6 years ago #7407
how do I use the answer completion feature of personality forge.

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